St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 9-2-2009

Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Cy Monson, Pam Borkowski, Orrin Bruhn, Sarah Borhnoft, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Mike called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.

Devotions: We have to hear the Word as well as the law.

Secretaries Report: Pam read the minutes of the July 1st and August 7th meetings. John motioned to approve the minutes as read, Orrin seconded it, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale will report at the next meeting if we made a donation to Vacation bible school. Dale was paid for rental of the rug doctor. Cy motioned to approve the report, with a second from Sarah, all approved, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report:

Retreat at Little Sioux went very well, no one from St. Paul’s. Pastor will do this again next year.

Pastor’s vacation will be October 2-6. Heather can’t do that week, Pastor got a call from another gal who would be a possibility and she’s from Kimballton. Discussion about how much we pay for substitutes, $125 for the first service and $25 for the second plus mileage- split both churches.

Move communion to week later on October 11th, we need someone to read and do legerity which deacon Linda hopefully can find someone. Mike will call Linda. Mike could possibly do it, with John as second option.

Lutheran Core-4th goal= have the traditional union in marriage, reason for this goal so that they will be fruitful and multiply and be blessed with children.


Core meeting at Indianapolis, IN, September 24-26. Pastor is going, but will be back by Sunday.

Confirmation orientation is on Sept. 23rd, at the church for kids and their parents.

Old Business:

Soffit reported as having no bids for the moment. Mike contacted Lynn Gaskill, who said it would be a winter project, he was very busy already. Discussion was held. Orrin made the motion to table the soffit project till next meeting and during this time, we will try to find another estimate. Possibilities are Mike Freeman and Jay Nielson. John seconded. All approved.

Report was given about the Joint council meeting.

John, Cy and Mike from St. Paul’s attended.

Christmas services: 5:30 and 10:30- St. Paul’s and 7:30 at Bethlehem.

Advent services with 4 churches- will continue these.

Lenten services- will continue these.

Service times-1st Sunday in January- Bethleham-11:00 and St. Pauls-9:00.

Visited about KNOD radio- Bethlehem interested to help pay- they were going to put up a signup sheet.

ELCA discussion that was just made Nationwide Assembly- Pastor will stay with us either discussion that we make- to stay or leave.

Rally Day- council usually provide pizza and pop after church. Motion made by Orrin and seconded by Cy, all approved.

New Business:

Advent worship with Kimballton on Nov. 25th, Dec. 2nd, 9th, and 16th. The 25th will be here at St. Pauls, and then remaining dates will alternate with the other churches.

Note: Next meeting- discussion about the Thanksgiving supper.

Discussion was held on the Pastors attendance at the Nationwide Assembly and what he brought back to the council. After much discussion about our relationship with the ELCA, Orrin motioned to suspend benevolence payments to Synod, pending redirection from congregation. We need to setup forum about this for discussions.

The next meeting will be October 7th at 7:30.

John motioned to adjourn and Orrin. Motion carried.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski