St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 10-2-2010
Those present were John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Orrin Bruhn, Dick Sorensen, Bonnie Axland, Linda Tietsort and Jeanne Barry.
President John called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Devotions: John said a prayer to lead our council to make good decisions in guiding our church.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the September minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Dick, seconded by Orrin, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the treasurers report. Discussion was held on if we continue to pay the ELCA for Pastor Ron’s pension and insurance. Dale will check with Pastor. Dick moved, Linda seconded, all in favor. Dale also mentioned that we have not paid the benevolence for anything, so we will want to be thinking of what we want to designate that money to go. It was $240/month since January.
Pastor’s Report:
Even though Pastor was not present, he wanted to let us know our new affiliation status is with the LCMC and we received a certificate showing our membership.·
He is on vacation presently.Announcements:
Saturday worships- October 16Old Business:
Furnace- is installed, but we haven’t’ gotten the bill yet. When we receive the bill, Dick is going to pay it and apply for the rebates for each of the furnaces.New Business:
Sheryl got some prices for a new copier through Council in Harlan. She presented us with 4 models with prices and information on each. Dick made the motion to go ahead with the purchase of the Lanier LD320d new printer/copier at 1765.00 without maintenance. But, we will look further into the maintenance agreement to see if that is something we would like to do. Linda seconded it, motion carried.Next meeting – Wednesday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm.
Orrin made the motion to adjourn and Jeanine seconded it, motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski