St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 10-7-2009

Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Orrin Bruhn, Allison Bornhoft, Sarah Bornhoft, Linda Tietsort, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Mike called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Devotions: We welcome everyone, but we do have laws.

Secretaries Report: Pam read the minutes of the Sept. 2nd meeting. Linda motioned to approve the minutes. Orrin seconded it, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale reported that there is a CD coming due October 10, 2009. Mike will visit with Cy or Dick about finding a better rate than we currently have. Pam motioned to approve the report, with a second from Linda, all approved, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report:

Adult Forum- was good attendance, basically to report what ELCA is doing. Next forum will be October 25th and pastor will report our options if we leave and procedures/timeline. Ideas for the 3rd forum are possibly bringing in representative from other congregations and/or the bishop.

Soup Supper- Pastor is going to discuss this with the Luther Leaguers at the next meeting on October 25th. Discussion was held and we decided to bring it up to the congregation to see who would like to be in charge.

Fall worship- Starting October, the Saturday evening services will be going to 1 a month, then after Thanksgiving, we will discontinue these till after Easter.

Word Alone Conference- Pastor informed the council, that he will be attending this conference November 8-10 in Roseville, MN.


October 25- Reformation- along with forum meeting

October 25- Luther League meeting.

November 1- All Saints’ Sunday- Memorial service

Old Business:

Pastor is working on letter to ELCA.

Soffit repair-Lynn was busy till spring, so this will be tabled till Annual meeting.

New Business:

Connie Andersen-transfer from Bethlehem to St. Paul’s- Pastor will work on this transfer process.

Laurie Hofflean- started ministry in Kimballton. She will be giving a presentation on October 14th, which pastor said he would like to attend.

The next meeting will be November 4th at 7:00.

John motioned to adjourn and Orrin. Motion carried.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski