St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 10-1-2008

Those present were Mike Fara, Dick Sorensen, Pam Borkowski, John Villegas, Sarah Bornhoft, Cy Monson, Jason Monson, Edwin Benson, Jeanine Barry, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report:
    Dale read the treasurer’s report for September and the revised August report. Dick was going to check on sales tax exemptions for the church on the new parsonage furnace. Dick Motioned to approve the report and Cy 2nd .

Secretaries Report:

     Jason read the September minutes. Dick stated that a correction be made because we did not have a trust fund meeting at the Saturday clean up day. Dick suggested that we have it before the November meeting. It was motioned by John and 2nd by Sarah to approve the minutes.

The pastor arrived and gave devotions.

Pastor’s Report:
    The pastor attended the fall convocation this past month.
    There will be a meeting this Sunday regarding the ski trip at Minneapolis planned for December 28th through the 31st and who will attend.
    On November 15th there will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes event at the Iowa State football game against Missouri, at Ames. The package would include a rally, T-shirt and ticket to the game. The pastor will ask Tony Ede if they want to go with.
    The Luther League will again have a soup supper on Thanksgiving eve. They will need more people to help set up, serve and run it.
    The Luther League will adopt a family again this winter.
    The Luther League is looking for a mission project like rebuilding a church from the flooding this past summer.
    The money from the soup supper will be used to fund the ski trip, the family adoption and the mission project.
    The pastor talked to Tony Ede about the joint advent service starting Thanksgiving eve, which will be the first night of advent. The pastor wants the youth to put on these services.

    October 26th will be reformation Sunday. He plans to do a dramatic representation of Martin Luther.
    November 2nd will be All Saints Sunday. This will be a memorial service for all that have passed during the last year.
    May 24th will be the confirmation service with 3 confirmants. The confirmants will be Evan Axland, Courtney Monson and Alex Bornhoft.
    The confirmants will each read one Sunday of the month and the Deacons will read the fourth.

Old Business:
1. Sarah motioned that we pay for the Pastor’s expenses to attend the fall convocation.
2. The pastor has been recording the commercials for KNOD.
3. Dick moved that we have a trust fund meeting November 5th at 7 P.M. before the council meeting, which will be at 7:30.
4. Dick asked if we should cover the soffet around the Sunday school with metal since paint doesn’t stick very well. John motioned that we should do this and Edwin seconded. Motion passed.

New Business:
    John thought that we should ask the city if they could push the snow somewhere else other than above out parking lot because of the ice that it creates in the spring.     Dick volunteered to ask Larry about this.
    John volunteered to move the snow this winter.
    Dick said that we have mice in the church so Cy will get some sticky traps.
    Dee Sorenson is getting new drapes for the basement because the old ones fell apart when she washed them.
    The Sunday school program will be held in Irwin only and not Bethlehem as requested by the teachers.
    Mike will talk to Paul Stewart about a joint council meeting.

The next meeting will be November 5th at 7:30.

Cy motioned to adjourn and John seconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson