St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 11-4-2009
Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Orrin Bruhn, Sarah Borhnoft, Linda Tietsort, Cy Monson, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Devotions: John 8:31-36.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the minutes of the October 7th meeting. John motioned to approve the minutes as read with a couple of amendments, Orrin seconded it, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale reported that it has been a normal month, besides the CD as income then back out when we purchased it.. Mike reported that there was a wire loose in the amplifier in the organ, and there will be a bill coming for that. Cy motioned to approve the report, with a second from Pam, all approved, motion carried.
Pastor’s Report:
Adult Forum- next forum will be December 6th with both churches at Bethlehem. Possibly eat at 5:00 and meeting at 6:00. The Luther League volunteered to make spaghetti for some fellowship before the meeting.
Youth Work:
Soup Supper- Deb Rutherford, Karla Mickelson, and Connie Andersen volunteered to be in charge of the soup supper. They will be meeting with Pastor Ron tomorrow night for discussion.
Acquire the Fire Concert- there were several Luther Leaguers that showed interest.
Adopt a family in December.
Advent Services starting November the 25th- discussion as to when to put up the tree.
Vacation –Pastor asked to go see his family leaving the 25th, which he would be gone the 27th, all was agreed to let him go, and he would find someone to lead worship that Sunday.
Old Business:
Pastor read his letter to the ELCA and the council members signed it. He is going to hang it on the bulletin board and make copies for next Sunday.
New Business:
Pam read the minutes from the Trust Fund minutes from Sept. 18th.
The next meeting will be December 3rd at 7:00 (Thursday).
Orrin motioned to adjourn and Sarah seconded it at 8:20. Motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski