St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 11-5-2008

Those present were Mike Fara, Dick Sorensen, Pam Borkowski, John Villegas, Cy Monson, Jason Monson, Edwin Benson, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Mike called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Secretaries Report: Jason read the October minutes. There was discussion about some of the things that were addressed in the last meeting.

            Dick said that he talked to Mike Freeman about a bid for the metal soffet area of the Sunday school.

            Dick talked to Larry Kington about moving the snow somewhere else but they could not find a suitable spot so we will continue to do things as before.

            Cy picked up the mouse traps and set them.

            Mike talked to Paul Stewart about a joint council meeting and Paul would talk to his council to see about a time.

            We discussed what to do with Eleanor Benson’s memorial money. Edwin stated that the money could be used for anything.

            We considered a new sound system but thought that maybe we could fix the old one for less money. Mike would call someone about fixing it.

            It was motioned by John and 2nd by Cy to approve the minutes.


Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the treasurer’s report for October and explained a mix up in an insurance bill where he paid the churches bill so the church paid him back. There is a notation of this in the secretary’s book. Pam motioned to approve the report and Dick 2nd .


Pastor’s Report:

· The Pastor will attend the wordalone conference in Minnesota for continuing education November 9th-11th.

· The Pastor talked to Toni at Kinballton about joining our kids on some youth group trip outings.

· November 23rd will be the youth group skit practice for the mid week advent service.

· November 26th will be the Thanksgiving eve service.

· December 7th will be the day for the adopt-a-family project. They will be leaving for Carroll to go shopping immediately following Sunday school.

· The money raised from the Thanksgiving eve soup supper will go towards the adopt-a-family project, they will also give $500 to a child from Tanzania to pay for a years worth of education.

· The Pastor will check into the lodging and ski area for the Luther League ski trip on his continuing education trip to Minnesota.

· The Pastor will be taking vacation on November 12th -15th, December 25th-27th, and February 5th – 10th. We will need to find a substitute pastor for February 8th.



· There will be a joint Thanksgiving service at the Kirkman Methodist Church on November 23.

· The Thanksgiving Eve soup supper will be Wednesday November 26th. Dick and Dee Sorensen and Mike Fara volunteered to take care of getting the soups ready and we will ask the congregation for sandwiches and bars.

· The first mid-week advent service will be November 26th at 7:30 p.m.

· The first Sunday in advent will be November 30th. We need to decorate the church after the service on the 30th of November.


Old Business:

1. The commercials on KNOD continue to go well.


New Business:

1. The church directory needs to be looked into again.

2. Dick decided to delay the trust fund meeting until after Christmas.

3. Mike thought that we could try for a joint council meeting on December 17th. He would talk to Paul Stewart from Bethlehem about this.

4. We need to set up the advent wreath and candles for the joint advent service.

5. We need to figure out the Christmas worship times.

6. Mike will call the ushers to remind them to come.

7. Mike talked to Dick Musfeldt about spraying the yard and he said that he could probably do it next spring.


The next meeting will be December 4th at 7:00.


Cy motioned to adjourn and John seconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jason Monson