St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Dick Sorensen, Edwin Benson, Cy
Monson, Jason Monson, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m.
Diane Stewart gave a presentation on what Thrivent financial can do for our
Secretaries Report: The report was not read because I misplaced the
Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the report. We had a negative balance of
$566.51. Dale noted that the pastor’s salary will increase to $1908.24 per month
with benefits of $617.70 per month. The bill from Sound and Service was$261.71
for the sound system repairs. John motioned to approve the report. Cy seconded.
Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report:
· The pastor informed us of his health since the bypass surgery and everything
sounds great.
· He talked about trying to add some new songs to the service.
· He also talked about changing the worship plan through the summer.
· The pizza sale is this Saturday at 9:00 with a good number of orders already.
· Twelve people, three adults and 9 kids, attended the fun day at the Manning
Recreational Center.
· Senior recognition service is this Sunday. Zack Feser and Dana McKeever will
be honored.
Old Business:
1. We are still in need of delegates for the Synod assembly held in Storm Lake,
Iowa on June 6th and 7th, which is on a Friday and Saturday.
2. The directory project is still on hold.
3. Sound and Service from Carroll had ideas on how to improve our sound system,
which would cost around $500 for the package.
4. We discussed a radio spot on KNOD to evangelize but nothing was decided.
New Business:
1. A recognition service for returning soldiers will be May 25th for Garet
Woebke and Quentin Lee. The pastor will invite them.
2. The organ is in need of repair and Dick will contact someone about fixing it.
3. The furnace in the parsonage needs to be replaced. Dick took bids from Sol’s
from Aspinwall for $3129 and Camblin Mechanical for $2525. We decided to look
into a geo thermal system for the parsonage and church to save on our utility
4. The entrance over the kitchen is leaking and Dick took bids from Lynn Gaskill
and Mike’s Repair. Lynn said that he couldn’t get to it right away though. Cy
motioned that we would have Mike’s Repair fix the roof because we needed to get
the leak fixed immediately. Edwin seconded. Motion carried.
5. Dick would check on prices for a new fridge or cooler for storing flowers.
The next meeting will be June 4th at 8:00.
Dick motioned to adjourn and Edwin seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson