St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 3-5-2008

Those present were Mike Fara, Pam Borkowski, John Villegas, Cy Monson, Jason Monson, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Mike called the meeting to order at 8:15.

Secretaries Report: Jason read the minutes of the February meeting. There was one correction made: The Relay for Life group will be    holding the Easter Breakfast assisted by the Luther League. Cy motioned to approve the minutes, 2nd by John. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the report noting that it looks bad because we purchased a $10,000 certificate of deposit. Otherwise it
would have shown a gain of $2790.62. He also pointed out that the insurance bill was late and he was going to check in on it. We
also discussed the higher utilities cost. Cy motioned to approve the report. John seconded. Motion carried.

Pastor’s Report:
        · Holy week will include a Maundy Thursday service at Immanuel in Kimballton. The good Friday service will be held at Bethany in 
Jacksonville, and The Easter service will be here at 7:00am which will be a skit performed by the pastor and will also include                communion. This will be followed by a breakfast put on by the relay for life team and assisted by the luther league.
        · The Luther League will be conducting a pizza sale during the month of April. They will make the pizzas on the second weekend in
        · The Luther League is also planning a fun day at the Manning Rec. Center for the end of April.
        · The pastor’s vacation will be March 24th through April 2nd. Dannette Johns, the assistant to the Bishop, will be conducting the
service during this time. We will pay her our half of the normal wages of $150 plus mileage at $.505/mile.

The pastor will be celebrating his 25th anniversary of his ordination in June so Bethlehem has proposed that we have a joint service         with a potluck following on June 15th. They would also like for this to be a thank you to us for allowing them to worship in our         church.

Old Business:
         1. We are still in need of delegates for the Synod assembly held in Storm Lake, Iowa on June 6th and 7th.
         2. First communion classes will be held on Wednesday evenings in April. There will be four kids. First communion will take place
May 4th.
         3. The installation of the board will take place this Sunday, March 9th. Pam will call the missing members to let them know.
         4. We discussed a spring cleaning day to get rid of stuff that has been accumulating and no longer needed.
         5. Snow removal on the sidewalks was brought up. Someone needs to call Carol Kenkel and see if they are owed anything?
         6. Nobody has been cleaning the parsonage since Phyllis Hansen went on vacation but she will be back shortly so it was decided to
wait until she returned and let her clean it.

New Business:
         1. The sound system has been giving us problems. John motioned to have G&S Organ out of Omaha fix it. Motion failed. Pam
motioned to have Sound and Service from Carroll fix it since they installed it. Cy seconded. Motion carried.
         2. Mike thought that all board members should receive the Lutheran to be more informed with the ELCA.
         3. Pastor Ron brought up the idea of a mission statement for our shurch and to bring it up at the annual meeting to see if we are
conforming the mission.

Cy motioned to adjourn at 9:15. Pam seconded. Motion carried. Next meeting will be Wednesday April 2nd.

Respectfully submitted,

Jason Monson