St. Paul Council Minutes

St. Paul Church Council meeting was called to order by Mike Fara, Wednesday, June 4th at 8:00 pm. Present members were: John, Pam, Edwin, Mike, Dick, Sarah and Pastor and Dale. Treasurer’s report was given by Dale. John made a motion to approve the minutes and Pam 2nd it, approved. Devotion by Pastor Ron, Paul-Apostle to the Gentiles.

Pastors Report-
Pastor reported that nothing definite planed for the summer for the youth, but some possibilities would include, Adventure land, Royals game, and Canoe Trip. He is trying to not conflict with ball games. St. Paul’s gave $250.00 to Vacation Bible School from the Pizza sales. He discussed some worship changes he is planning. Pastor gave an overview of the document for review at the Synod Assembly next week.
Discussion was held about the June 15th- joint service at Bethlehem. Pam is going to get a projector for the presentation that Pastors brother is making. If that won’t work, the TV and DVD player from St. Paul’s will have to be moved to Bethlehem.

Old Business includes: Still no volunteers from St. Paul’s to go to Storm lake Synod Assembly, Mike thought he may be able to go. Dick reported on several items for repair. The sound system still is giving us static, but it could be that it’s not on it’s own circuit. Dick is going to check with an electrician to see about rewiring. Dick is also checking further on the price of the furnace for the parsonage. Dean Olsen, who donated the chair lift, is going to come in get it some time since we are not going to be using it. The North East corner of the church has a rainspout that Dick replaced, seems to help with the water. The parsonage lawn has been sprayed. Two keys on the keyboard are broken, so Dick has sent one to a guy in Nebraska for duplication. Discussion was held on the Trust Fund options, on what to do with the CD which matures 6/7/2008. Al and Diane Plumb have a 10 year old refrigerator to donate.

Mike was called by Gears, and asked if St. Paul’s would be willing to let them use the church as a backup for their outside wedding in case of rain. After some discussion, Dick made the motion to allow this at no charge, second by Sarah, “to leave it as they found it.” This will be determined on a case by case basis, to be determined by the council.

Mike requested fixing the red carpet fray in the runway in the church.

Mike was notified we need to review Bi-annual report to Secretary State of Iowa.

Relay for Life was coming up and Pam made the motion to donate $250 from the trust fund, seconded by Sarah.

Mike motioned to adjourn and Pam seconded it, unanimously.

Minutes respectably submitted by Pam Borkowski, in Jason’s absence.