St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 7-1-2010
Those present were John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Julie McKeever, Dick Sorensen, Orrin Bruhn, Linda Tietsort, Jeanine Barry, Dale Feaser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
President John called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.
Devotions: Pastor lead us in a prayer.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the June minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Linda, seconded by Orrin, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale presented the treasurers report, commenting that it is in the negative, but is reflecting the increase of salary. Julie made the motion to approve the treasurers report, Orrin seconded, all approved.
Pastor’s Report:
Lutheran Core convocation is in Columbus and he is all setup to go August 24-27.·
Vacation is September 29-October 10, which will include 2 Sundays. Dick and Pastor discussed who will talk with Vic as possibly filling in for those 2 Sundays.Announcements:
Saturday worships- July10th and 24th and they have been well attended.·
Adult Forum- July 18th after church- NALC.·
August we will have a vote on where we are joining, so we will never be without a church at any moment.·
Possibly Rally Sunday vote as to if we are leaving the ELCA. Must have a representative from the ELCA present as a witness.Old Business:
Furnace- Dick reported that Cambin’s have this installation scheduled, but he did not know when for sure, but it will be during the week sometime, so as to not interrupt church and we will have air for service.·
Dish washer was replaced at the parsonage, with the Ladies group paying for it.New Business:
Ushers were discussed for funerals. Pastor will put it on his list to call either John or Dick, and then they will find someone.Next meeting – August 1st at 8 am, before the service
Dick made the motion to adjourn and Orrin seconded it, at 8:44, motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski