St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 9-3-2008
Those present were Mike Fara, Dick Sorensen, Pam Borkowski, John Villegas, Sarah Bornhoft, Cy Monson, Jason Monson, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m.

Secretaries Report: Jason read the August minutes. It was motioned by Pam and 2nd by John to approve the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the treasurer’s report for June, July, August and the first seven and eight month summaries. Dick Motioned to approve the report and Cy 2nd .

Pastor’s Report:
The joint service at Kimballton was a success
It was decided to continue the worship style as it is into the fall.
There will be a youth group meeting at Bethlehem September 14th regarding a trip to Minnesota to go skiing and to the Mall of America. They would leave after church on December 28th. They will need drivers and chaperones.

Rally day will be September 6th and we will supply pop as well as pizza following Sunday school.
Confirmation orientation will take place September 10th. John motioned that during the confirmation period we would pay the fee for the confirmants to attend bible camp at the rate of 100% for the first year and 50% of the second time if they choose to go again. This would apply even if they have been to camp prior to confirmation and had the church pay for it. This was second by Dick. Motion carried.

Old Business:
1. It was decided to place a 30 second devotional spot on KNOD radio at 8:20a.m. on Monday mornings. This will cost $10.50 per spot for a total of $42 per month. Dick motioned that we have a three month trial period to see if we have any results from this. Pam seconded this. Motion carried.
2. We decided to install an air to air heat pump in the parsonage. The existing unit is in need of replacement and the new system will be more efficient. Camblin Plumbing submitted the lowest bid at $6450. This will include the heat pump, back up natural gas furnace, air conditioner, installation and removal of old unit. John motioned that we have Camblin Plumbing install this furnace. Cy seconded. Motion carried.
3. There will be a trust fund meeting during the clean up day September 5th . The reason for the meeting is to decide how to handle paying for bible camp for members and their friends.
4. Work day will be September 5th at 8:00am. Workers are requested to bring scrapers, wire brushes, rollers and brushes. The paint and plastic will already be there.

New Business:

Pastor brought up the idea of a joint advent worship. The pastor will talk to Pastor Tony about having the joint service for the four weeks during advent.

The next meeting will be October 1st at 8:00.
Dick motioned to adjourn and John seconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson