Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 1-7-2008
Those present were Mike Fara, Sara Bornhoft, John Villegas, Cy Monson, Jason Monson, Pam Borkowski, Dale Feser, Dick Sorensen, Jeanine Barry and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
For devotions we listened to two KNOD spots and went over the
churches mission statement which will be: As a church of sinners, called to
repentance by God’s grace it is the mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church to bring
God’s grace and peace to the world, by proclaiming the forgiveness of the cross
of Jesus Christ.
Secretaries Report: Jason read the December minutes. It was motioned by John and 2nd by Dick to approve the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the treasurer’s report for December and the annual report. The annual report showed a loss of $12276.26 but this is because a CD for $10,000 has been transferred out of this account and we also replaced the furnace in the parsonage at a cost of $6450. Not figuring the CD we would have incurred a $2276.26 loss but be now have a new, more efficient, furnace. Dick motioned to approve the report and Cy seconded.
While we were talking about the financials it was brought to our attention that Arline Gans will need to be put on the church’s signature card at the bank so she can gather information for auditing purposes. Dick motioned to grant her access. Pam seconded. Motion carried
We also went over the proposed 2009 budget at this time. The budget will be increased by $2760 for a total of $58910. The custodian, secretary and organist were asked if they wanted raises and they all replied no. We discussed making the treasurer a paid position but Dale said that he would rather not be paid but would like an all-in-one printer, copier, scanner and fax machine as well as some ink cartridges and a new financial program. Sarah motioned that we allow Dale to purchase new office equipment including copier, scanner, printer, fax machine and a financial program along with any needed supplies. John seconded. Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report:
The ski trip to Minnesota was cancelled because of lack of participants.
The Pastor will suggest some other events to the Luther Leaguers since they have excess funds.
Thrivent matched the Thanksgiving Eve soup supper proceeds and those matching funds will go towards the child from Tanzania.
The Pastor was going to take vacation on December 25th through the 27th but the plane was cancelled so he went a few days later since the ski trip was cancelled and those days were open. He will also need some time off in April and in the fall for family commitments along with his planned vacation for February 6th – 11th. He has lined up Heather Ploen to preach on February 8th.
Adult bible study will start January 18th and will continue for six weeks.
Henry Flessners Funeral will be January 9th and Dick motioned that we give a memorial of $100 because of his assistance to our church during our time without a pastor. Cy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ash Wednesday will be February 25th with a joint service with Bethlehem and Kimballton.
Old Business:
Items to be discussed at the annual meeting include:
Time for adult bible study.
Play the KNOD commercials to see if we should continue this.
Discuss the Saturday services. The pastor would like to have a Saturday service starting after Easter through November but discontinue them in the winter months from December through lent.
Anna Marie Olsen wants to retire from the recording secretary position so we will need someone to take over this position.
We need to decide if we want to continue the church website for another year.
We will discuss a new directory and try to get one done this year.
The church will put emphasis on inactives this year to see of we can get them to start attending more often.
Dana McKeever will receive her second semester scholarship of $500. Caitlin Axland will be awarded a certificate for a scholarship in May
Delegates are needed for the Synod assembly May 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Delegates are needed for the Salem Lutheran Home.
We went through request for donations and John motioned to give $200 from the trust fund to each of the following: Bremwood Childrens Home, Shelby County Food Pantry, Shelby County Outreach, Salem Lutheran Home, Omaha Open Door Mission and Riverside Bible Camp. Pam seconded. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be February 4th at 7:00.
Cy motioned to adjourn and Sarah seconded. Motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson