St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Minutes from February 6, 2008

Those present
     Joel McKeever, Dick Sorensen, Mike Fara, Pam Borkowski, John Villegas, Cy Monson, Jason Monson and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Joel called the meeting to order at 6:15.

Devotions: Pastor Ron thought that the following lenten service would due for devotions but he gave a prayer.

Secretaries Report: Mike read the minutes of the January meeting. Dick motioned to approve the minutes, 2nd by Jason. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale was not present so we didn’t have this.

Pastor’s Report:
We didn’t have the Lenten breakfast this morning because of the weather. He and Toni will move the whole schedule back one week so there will still be six breakfast with the last one during holy week.
Pastor sent out invitations to the Luther League for the Iowa women’s basketball game on February 17. He needs RSVP’s by February 10th.
The Luther League ski trip went well.
The pastor’s gastric bypass surgery has been approved by the insurance company. He thinks that it will take place after Easter.
The pastor’s vacation will be March 24th through April 2nd.
There will be no adult bible study classes on February 17th due to the basket ball game.
Easter Sunday services will be at St Paul’s at 7:30, which will include communion. Breakfast will be served by the Luther League following the service.

Old Business:
1. Pam has registered the domain name of the new website which will be It is not completely finished but will be ready very soon.
2. The pastor requested more information from the old directory to help in planning the next one.
3. The minutes on the annual meeting were read. Dick motioned to approve and Cy 2nd. Motion carried.

New Business:
1. First Communion will not have any confirmants.
The new elected officers are as follows:
President: Mike Fara
Vice President: Dick Sorensen
Secretary: Jason Monson
Treasurer: Dale Feser
Cy motioned to cease nominations and cast unanimous ballot, Pam 2nd. Motion carried.
Trustees will be Dick Sorensen, Edwin Benson, Cy Monson and Jason Monson. Deacons will be Mike Fara, John Villegas for Nov – Jan ‘09, Sara Bornhoft for Aug - Oct, Janene Barry for May – July and Pam Borkowski for Feb – April.
Jason motioned to buy 4 white plastic banquet tables with money from the trust fund. Cy 2nd. Motion carried.
Pam will update the ushers list for 2008 – 2009.
John Villegas motioned to adjourn at 7:15. Pam 2nd. Motion carried. Next meeting will be Wendesday March 5th following the Lenten service.

Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson