St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 12-2-2010

Those present were John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Dick Sorensen, Bonnie Axland, Julie McKeever, Linda Tietsort.

President John called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

Devotions: Pastor, John 1: 12-143 miracles: virgin birth, incarnation, faith.

Secretaries Report: Pam read the November minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Julie, seconded by Linda, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the treasurer’s report for November, noting that we were $1424.12 in the red, but $1888.55 of that was for the copier. Dale brought in a copy of all the St. Paul’s bank accounts for us to discuss. Dick motioned to approve the treasurers report, it was seconded by Bonnie, all approved.

Pastor’s Report:

· Advent series- Bethany was a smaller crowd in attendance, with next week Bethlehem hosting and then St. Paul

· Youth work-Pastor discussed the money that the Luther League has, possibly taking the money out of the 2 CD’s they have. Discussion was held on spending. They made about $1000 on the soup supper. In January, he was planning a ski trip.

· Adult bible study- LCMC and doctrinal and faith statements..


· Christmas (Friday) the services will be at 5:30pm and 10:30 pm at St. Paul and 7:30 pm at Bethlehem.

· Change of worship time on the 1st Sunday of January to go to 11:00 am.

Old Business:

· Amending the Constitution, we will propose the amendment that we now belong to the LCMC at the annual meeting, then special meeting to vote on the amendments. Basically the name change

· Nominations for council members- John, Pam Jeannine’s terms are up.


New Business:

· Annual meeting is set for January 16th; we will have a shortened service.

· Budget for 2011-Orrin, dick, Bonnie and Jeannine will set up a date to get together.

· Discussion was held on whether we should publish a monthly newsletter or emailing this as well. After some discussion, it was decided to bring it up at the annual meeting.

· The website was brought up and Pastor would like to renew this and will work on getting it updated.

Next meeting – Wednesday, January 5th at 7:00 pm.

Dick made the motion to adjourn and Linda seconded it, motion carried.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer


Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski