St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 8-1-2010

Those present were John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Jeanine Barry, Orrin Bruhn, Bonnie Axland and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

President John called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

Devotions: Our job is really to make the Word of God well known.

Secretaries Report: Pam read the July minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Orrin, seconded by Jeanine, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: No treasurer’s report was read

Pastor’s Report:

· Lutheran Core -August 24-27, Pastor has the constitution our and he will be studying that before he goes.

· Vacation is September 29-October 10, Vic said he would lead those 2 Sunday services.


· Saturday worships- August 7th and 21st, and they will continue through November they will not be held over the winter.

· Joint service is on august 15th at Kimballton at 10:30.

· Q&A session will be held after church on August 22nd.

· Vote for which church we would like to go with on August 29th

· Vote to leave ELCA on Sept. 12th.

· Pastor will send plant from our church to the new pastor in Kimballton as well as the new pastor for Methodist church.

Old Business:

· Furnace- not replaced but will be.

New Business:

· Rally Sunday will be September 12th, Service at 9:00, Vote at 9:30, Sunday school at 10:00.

Next meeting – September 5th at 8 am, before the service

Orrin made the motion to adjourn and Jeanine seconded it, at 8:45, motion carried.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer


Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski