St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 8-1-2010
Those present were John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Jeanine Barry, Orrin Bruhn, Bonnie Axland and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
President John called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Devotions: Our job is really to make the Word of God well known.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the July minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Orrin, seconded by Jeanine, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: No treasurer’s report was read
Pastor’s Report:
Lutheran Core -August 24-27, Pastor has the constitution our and he will be studying that before he goes.·
Vacation is September 29-October 10, Vic said he would lead those 2 Sunday services.Announcements:
Saturday worships- August 7th and 21st, and they will continue through November they will not be held over the winter.·
Joint service is on august 15th at Kimballton at 10:30.·
Q&A session will be held after church on August 22nd.·
Vote for which church we would like to go with on August 29th·
Vote to leave ELCA on Sept. 12th.·
Pastor will send plant from our church to the new pastor in Kimballton as well as the new pastor for Methodist church.Old Business:
Furnace- not replaced but will be.New Business:
Rally Sunday will be September 12th, Service at 9:00, Vote at 9:30, Sunday school at 10:00.Next meeting – September 5th at 8 am, before the service
Orrin made the motion to adjourn and Jeanine seconded it, at 8:45, motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski