St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 4-7-2010

Those present were Orrin Bruhn, Bonnie Axland, Pam Borkowski, Julie McKeever, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Orrin called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.

Devotions: Jesus doesn’t wait for us, he comes to us, bringing good news of peace..

Secretaries Report: Pam read the minutes of the March meeting, being no corrections or additions, minutes approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale reviewed the February and March expenses and incomes. Julie moved to approve the treasurers report, seconded by Bonnie, all approved.

Pastor’s Report:

Word alone conferences- Pastor is going after church service. It is $150.00, $50 for us, $50 for Bethlehem and Pastor will put in another $50 for the balance.

August Lutheran core convocation in Columbus, OH. Again after church, both are connected to the Resolution.

Lent services- well attended, people showed appreciation through the season.

Pastor discussed your activities, such as Acquire the Fire, as possibly adding this to the confirmation package.


Saturday worship services starting May 1st with communion.

Old Business:

Pastor read an email from Bishop Last, as his response to our letter to him informing him of our vote results. He also read his letter in response to this email

Forums (3)-


2- Stay with ELCA

3- North America Lutheran Church.

Not going to revote

Before the 2nd vote determine where we are going

2nd vote will be the same as 1st vote.

Discussion was held on dates, with the first being on May 2nd.

No second vote before June 8th, which is 90 days after the 1st vote.

New Business:

No new business

The next meeting will be May 5th at 8:00.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski