St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 4-2-2008
Those present were Mike Fara, Pam Borkowski, John Villegas, Sara Bornhoft, Cy
Monson, Jason Monson, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
Secretaries Report: Jason read the minutes of the March meeting. Pam
motioned to approve the minutes, 2nd by John. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the report. We had a positive balance of
$1420.41 despite a large insurance bill. Dale wanted the billing information for
Dannette Johns who preached while Pastor Ron was on vacation. The offering from
the Easter breakfast went to Relay for Life. The offering from the men’s Lenten
breakfast and Wednesday night Lenten service went to the Shelby county outreach
for a total of $316.79 plus matching funds. Dick motioned to approve the report.
Cy seconded. Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report:
There were two baptisms during the month of March.
The pastor wants to continue the joint Lenten services with Kimballton and
possibly have a joint service once a quarter throughout the year.
It was discussed if we wanted to change the setting used for the service. We
thought that we could try setting three starting at the time of the summer
worship schedule.
We also talked about using some different music.
First communion will be May 4th with four students.
Luther League Fun Day will be April 27th at the Manning Rec Center.
The pastor’s surgery will be April 28th and he will be in the hospital for three
to four days. There will be no Saturday evening service on May 3rd due to the
pastor needing time to recover.
The pastor thought that his brother John could preach at the joint worship
service with Bethlehem June 15th celebrating Pastor Ron’s 25th anniversary of
his ordination. This will also be followed by a potluck meal.
Old Business:
1. We are still in need of delegates for the Synod assembly held in Storm Lake,
Iowa on June 6th and 7th, which is on a Friday and Saturday. If someone is
unable to make it to both days the pastor thought that Saturday would be the
most important day to attend.
2. The pastor needs an old directory for a guide for the new one although Olan
Mills hasn’t been back in touch with him regarding this.
3. Sound and Service from Carroll has been here and worked on our sound system.
They said that we needed a humidifier to reduce static, and that one of the
microphone wires had a short in it. They also took the pastors remote microphone
in for repairs.
New Business:
1. Vacation Bible School will be June 16-19th. Kickoff will be
the night of the 15th. Kimballton will be more involved this year.
The Luther League pizza sale proceeds will go towards the expenses.
It was discussed if all confirmants should be required to attend bible camp,
which would be paid for by the church. Pam motioned that we table this decision
until the next meeting so that we could talk to some of the parents and get
their opinions. John seconded the motion. Motion carried.
It was decided that we include in the bulletins who memorials were given for but
not to include the amounts.
Mike brought up an idea of evangelizing more as a church. Possibly running radio
spots or something in the paper. Mike was going to get more information on this
Julie McKeever will be having a piano recital in the church May 9th, which
everyone agreed would be ok.
Dick will check with MidAmerican Energy about an energy audit to see if we could
do anything to lower our utility bills.
We decided to have a cleaning day on Saturday April 12th at 8:00 a.m. We will
clean the church and parsonage grounds and throw out any unneeded items.
The next meeting will be Wednesday May 7th at 8:00 p.m.
Dick motioned to adjourn at 9:32. John seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson