St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 5-5-2010

Those present were John Villegas, Linda Tietsort, Pam Borkowski, Julie McKeever, Dick Sorensen, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

President John called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.

Devotions: Galatians 5:13.

Secretaries Report: Pam read the April minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Linda, seconded by Dick, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dale reported on the treasurer’s report, he mentioned the vacuum repair of $193.53 as the only out of the ordinary expense. There is a CD for $15,000 that expired today, some discussion was held as to what to do with this. It was tabled till further in the meeting. Dick approved the treasurers report, Pam seconded it, all approved.

Pastor’s Report:

Word Alone Conference in Minneapolis- April 18-19, Pastor said that both of the churches we are considering joining support this. This was a worthwhile conference. Both work together, not in competition; not the same group but walk the same path.

LCMC conference in Omaha-April 26-27, Pastor got to talk with lots of people- it was a good conference.

Synod Assembly-May 1-2, ELCA is cutting budgets because of churches leaving and redirecting their funds.

Luther Core Convocation-Ohio, August 24-27

Vacation- cruise will miss 2 Sundays, but Pastor will contact Heather and Vic.


Saturday Worship will start May 8th at 6:00 pm.

Confirmation-Zach Andersen on May 23rd.

Council Meeting- June 6th at 8 am before church service.

Old Business:

LCMC presentation- VHS tape is available for viewing

Adult Forums-consultation with Bishop- Pastor will visit with him as to a date.

New Business:

Furnace- Dick had 1 bid and will get another one soon, with the existing furnace running at 40% efficiency, discussion was held whether to replace or not. Previous discussions had been held to use the money from Thelma Petersen for this when we need it. Motion was made by Julie, seconded by Linda to give Dick the authority to take the most economical proposal and get the furnace ordered. Motion carried. The CD will be reinvested.

Next meeting – June 6th at 8 am.

Allison made the motion to adjourn and Pam seconded it, at 9:35, motion carried.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer


Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski