St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 3-3-2010

Those present were John Villegas, Linda Tietsort, Pam Borkowski, Julie McKeever, Bonnie Axland, Dick Sorensen and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

President John called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.

Devotions: no devotions, as we had this meeting before the Lenten service supper.

Secretaries Report: Pam read the February minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Dick, seconded by Linda, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: we tabled the treasurer’s report as Dale was not present.

Pastor’s Report:

„h Youth Work:

a. Acquire the Fire Concert- good turnout, kids enjoyed it, good speaker and drama.

„h Adult Bible Study- will probably change this to after church instead of evening, to get more people as these will turn into forums about the resolution of the churches membership to ELCA.

„h Special Congregational Meeting- there will be another vote no less than 90 days from February 28th meeting when we voted on the Resolution of our ELCA membership. Reported that the vote passed 47 to 1.

„h Lenten services- Pastor talked about the services that have been well attended.

a. Ash Wednesday-7:30 at Bethlehem-Jacksonville

b. Feb. 24th-at Immanuel in Kimballton

c. Mar. 3rd-St Paul-Soup supper

d. Mar. 10th, Bethany Kimballton

e. Mar. 17th-Bethleham-Jacksonville

f. Mar. 24th-Immanual-Kimballton

g. April 1st-St. Paul


„h Easter 7 am- Relay for Life to have the breakfast

„h April 1st- Munday Thursday- will be with communion

„h April 2nd- Good Friday-at Bethany

„h Lenten supper proceeds are to go th the Sunday School program, as John talked with Holly.

„h Clean up day discussed and set for March 27th, Saturday at 8:00 am.

The next meeting will be April 7th, the Wednesday after Easter at 8:00 pm.

Pam motioned to adjourn and Bonnie seconded it at 5:40 pm. Motion carried.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Borkowski