St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 6-6-2010
Those present were John Villegas, Pam Borkowski, Julie McKeever, Dick Sorensen, Orrin Bruhn, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
President John called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the May minutes, motion to approve the minutes by Dick, seconded by Julie, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale reported on the treasurer’s report, he mentioned that the positive balance of $2614.73 was due to the heavy giving from the congregation, low utilities and there were 5 Sundays. Pam made the motion to approve the treasurers report, Orrin seconded, all approved.
Pastor’s Report:
LCC- should be very interesting; they are having many joining this group.
Vacation- Sept. 29- Oct. 10. Still lining up replacements for Pastor for Sunday services.
Saturday worships- June 12 & 26th.
Adult Forum- June 13 after church- shortened service, so around 9:30, with a representative of the bishop attending.
Old Business:
Furnace- Dick went with Cambin which will be $9991.00 for the 2 furnaces, to be installed in July or August. Will be 95% efficient, using money from Thelma Petersen to fund the replacement.
Adult Forum 3rd one will be in July sometime. NALC, then take final vote possibly in August, maybe Rally Sunday.
New Business:
Dish washer in the parsonage needs to be replaced. Orrin made the motion, seconded by Julie to accept Dick’s decision on replacing the dishwasher. All approved.
Bible school- John discussed Vacation Bible School and suggested donating $500 and using the benevolence money we have on reserve for this. Dick made this motion, seconded by Orrin, all approved. Kickoff for VBS is Sunday the 13th and it will go from the 14th through the 17th, from 9-2 pm.
Next meeting – July 4th at 8 am, before the service
Pam made the motion to adjourn and Dick seconded it, at 8:45, motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski