St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 1-10-2010
Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Orrin Bruhn, Sarah Borhnoft, Linda Tietsort and Dale Feser
President Mike called the meeting to order at 10:30 am.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the December minutes, motion to made to approve the minutes by Orrin seconded by Linda, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale read the treasurer’s report and was mentioned that the furnace was making a difference at the parsonage as far as the utility bill. The council may have to look at the furnace at the church and may use the trust fund money, which Thelma Petersen gave for a new one.
It was also discussed as to what to do with the thanksgiving supper funds and it was motioned to for that money to go to the open door mission by Sarah and seconded by Linda, motion carried.
Motion was made to approve the treasure report by Orrin and seconded by John, all approved.
The next meeting will be February 3rd at 7:00 p.m.
Installation of new council members and election of officers.
John motioned to adjourn and Linda seconded it at 10:40 am. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski