St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 2-3-2010
Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Orrin Bruhn, Linda Tietsort, Pam Borkowski, Allyson Bornhoft, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
President Mike called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Devotions: Pastor believes the ELCA is not holding true to the "Word"..
Secretaries Report: Pam read the January minutes, motion to approve by Linda, seconded by Orrin, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale read through the treasurer’s report, noting that last year January was also a high expense month. The $2654.00 went to Allied Ins., so January is always a bad month because of this expense. Also, the Social security tax is due in January, which is a once a year expense as well. There was also an electric repair bill at the parsonage. Motioned to approve by Orrin and seconded by John, motion carried.
Discussion was held on what to do with the Benevolence funds which were withheld from ELCA from August through December. The amount was $240.00/month for a total of $1200.00. John made the motion to equally divide the Benevolence funds between Lutheran World Relief, Center for Agriculture Development, The institute of Lutheran Theology, and the Tanzania project, seconded by Allyson, motion carried.
Election of officers:
John nominated Pam for Secretary and that nomination cease, second by Allyson, vote carried.
Pam nominated John for President, Allyson seconded. Orrin made the motion to cease nomination and cast a unanimous vote, Linda seconded. Motion carried.
Allyson nominated Orrin for Vice President, John seconded it. Linda made the motion to cease nomination and cast a unanimous vote, Linda seconded. Motion carried.
President: John Villegas Deacons Trustee
Vice President: Orrin Bruhn John Villegas Orrin Bruhn
Secretary: Pam Borkowski Pam Borkowski-Feb/Mar/April *Dick Sorensen
*Julie McKeever-May/Jule/July *Bonnie Axland
Linda Tietsort –Aug/Sept/Oct Jeanine Barry
Allyson Bornhoft-Nov/Dec/Jan
* denotes new members
Pastor’s Report:
Youth Work:
Acquire the Fire Concert- there were several Luther Leaguers going to this- 3 from St. Paul’s and 7 from Bethlehem
Skiing- Pastor has not heard of anyone interested in this.
Adult Bible Study- weather is a factor with these study groups. Possibly use these sessions as a time to investigate which church to join.
Special Congregational Meeting- will be held on February 28th with a shortened service. We would need quorum of 10% of eligible voting members, confirmed and 18 years or older. They have to have communed and given in the past year. Two-thirds of voters who are present and must have 10% of voting members present, which is 185 x 10% or 20 members present.. No proxy votes and no absentee votes. If passed, there will be a 90 day interval, in which time the Bishop shall visit. After the 90 days, the same vote will be available and if passed again, then we will decide where we are going.
Lenten services- Pastor has planned sessions of Women waiting at the Cross.
Ash Wednesday-7:30 at Bethlehem-Jacksonville
Feb. 24th-at Immanuel in Kimballton
Mar. 3rd-St Paul-Soup supper
Mar. 10th, Bethany Kimballton
Mar. 17th-Bethleham-Jacksonville
Mar. 24th-Immanual-Kimballton
April 1st-St. Paul
Lenten Breakfasts will be at the Church of Christ- 7 am.
Installation of officers will be this Sunday.
Thelma Petersen-discussion was held as to possibilities of what to do with her memorial donation.
Discussion was held on Soup Supper menu. Linda motioned to serve Maidrites, hot dogs, bars and chips, with a sign up for donations of food. Allyson seconded, motion carried.
The next meeting will be March 3rd at 5:00, before soup supper.
Orrin motioned to adjourn and Linda seconded it at 8:30. Motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski