St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Annual Meeting
Mike called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. with 39 members present.
Secretaries Report: Jason read the Secretaries report for the annual meeting held 1-13-2008. It was motioned by Gene Monson and 2nd by Norman Scott to approve the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Mike read the treasurer’s report for 2008. The annual report showed a loss of $12,276.26 but this is because a CD for $10,000 has been transferred out of this account and we also replaced the furnace in the parsonage at a cost of $6,450. Not figuring the CD we would have incurred a $2276.26 loss but be now have a new, more efficient, furnace. Jason motioned to approve the report and Joel seconded.
2009 Budget: Mike presented the 2009 budget of $58,910, an increase of $2,760 over the 2008 budget. Norman Scott motioned to approve the budget. Pam Borkowski seconded. Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Ron Rasmussen made a correction to the mission statement from the way it
was printed in the Pastor’s report to:
As a church of sinners, called to repentance by God’s grace it is the mission of
St. Paul Lutheran Church to bring God’s grace and peace to the world, by
proclaiming the forgiveness of the cross of Jesus Christ.
The Pastor thanked the congregation for their support through the last year with his gastric by-pass surgery and the recognition of his 25th anniversary of his ordination.
He talked about concentrating on the inactives and trying to get them to start attending again. He stated that it needs to be a group effort and everyone needs to help out in this effort.
Election of council
Jason Monson nominated Orrin Bruhn, and Allison Bornhoft. Pam Borkowski nominated Linda Tietsort. John Villegas seconded this motion for nomination and moved that we cease nominations. Keith Jensen 2nd. Motion carried. Orrin, Allison and Linda were all elected by unanimous vote.
Old Business:
Mike reported that the Joint Council has met and decided to continue with the equal split of the pastor’s compensation.
It was discussed if we wanted to continue the church website. The Pastor currently keeps it updated and pays the annual fee of $100. John Villegas moved that we continue the website if the pastor is still willing to pay for the annual fee. Joel McKeever seconded the motion. Motion carried.
We will try to do a church directory this year and this will also help with contacting the inactives.
The council has been buying weekly spots on KNOD radio to evangelize. Up to this point the ads have been paid for by private donations from the board members at a cost of $10.50 per week. Bethlehem mentioned that they would like to share in this since their church is mentioned also. The pastor noted that he enjoys doing this and that he has had numerous comments that people have enjoyed them. Since there was no objection from the congregation the church will continue to sponsor these.
An adult bible study will start on January 18th at 6:00 p.m. It will be the Rock and the Rabbi, a study of Peter.
The Pastor would like to add a second Saturday evening service every month. This would start after Easter and would run through November but discontinue in the winter months from December through lent.
We are in need of two delegates to attend the Western Iowa Synod assembly in Sioux City. Nobody volunteered at this point.
We are also in need of up to six delegates for the Salem Lutheran Home annual meeting. Gene Monson, Norman Scott and Dick and Dee Sorensen volunteered to attend.
Anna Marie Olson would like to retire from the Recording Secretary position. This job entails keeping track of membership through baptism, death and transfers. Cheryl Holloway volunteered to take over this position. It is noted that Anna Marie had done a wonderful job and it is very appreciated.
Mike thanked everyone responsible for snow removal.
The bulletin sponsor sheet was debated and it was decided that we would continue this do to no opposition.
JoAnn Villegas motioned that we accept the mission statement presented by the Pastor. Dorothy Jensen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Cheryl Holloway asked what she should do with the copies of old bulletins. It was mentioned that they could be scanned into digital format and kept. The decision was tabled until the next board meeting for further discussion.
Dorothy Jensen asked what she should do with the records of past years offerings. It was suggested that only seven years of records must be kept. We also decided that she would not need to send out quarterly statements. Bi-annual statements would be enough.
It was motioned by Gene Monson to adjourn and Joel seconded. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Monson