November Newsletter
month is a busy month for Bethlehem and St. Paul.
There are many special events.
Please mark them on your calendar and try to participate as much as
Sunday, November 4
“All Saints’ Sunday”
- This is the Sunday where we remember all the saints of our churches that have
passed on this past year.
Family Movie Night - November 4 at Bethlehem at 6:00 pm
We will be watching “Facing Giants”
Pizza, Wings, Popcorn, & Pop Provided - Let Pastor Ron
know if you are coming so he can plan on how many pizzas and wings.
Sunday, November 18
Bethlehem will be combining their
Thankoffering Service and their Harvest Service on the 18th, with
a pot luck lunch to follow.
Irwin Community Thanksgiving Service
– Our Community Thanksgiving Service is at 7:00 pm.
This year we will be worshipping at the Kirkman Methodist Church.
Thanksgiving Eve – Wednesday, November 21
Soup Supper at the Irwin Community Building
– This year, St. Paul’s “Relay for Life” team is hosting the soup supper, with
the proceeds to go to “Relay for Life”.
The supper is from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
All are invited.
Thanksgiving Eve Worship at St. Paul
– Our service will follow the soup supper (at 7:30 pm).
St. Paul’s confirmation class will be leading the worship with a skit
called “The Trial of Thanksgiving”.
Wednesday, November 28 – Mid-Week Advent Services
A few years ago, we started having Mid-Week Advent Services with our Lent
partners from Kimballton. This
year, the services begin on Wednesday, November 28 at 7:00 pm, at Bethlehem;
followed by Immanuel, St. Paul, and Bethany.
The theme will be “The Real Christmas”, based on the study from Crossways
A busy month, with a number of special services; where we can thank God for the
many blessing God has bestowed upon us.
Your friend in Christ,
Pastor Ron