Dear Friends in Christ,

A few years ago there was an article in Time Magazine that posed this question: "The Bible: Fact or Fiction?". It's a question that fails to understand the breath and diversity of the Scriptures; and the answer to the question is "both and neither". Actually, very little of the Bible contains "facts" or factual narratives. In the Old Testament, there are parts of the Books of Moses, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, and I & II Chronicles. In the New Testament, the four Gospels contain "facts"; and that's it. So, the Bible does contain facts; but very few of them.

There is also fiction in the Bible. For instance, all the parables that Jesus tells are fiction, or fictional stories. So, the Bible has both fact and fiction. But, there's so much in the Bible that is neither fact or fiction. The Bible contains letters, psalms, laws, proverbs, and apocalyptic language; and none of these things can be classified as either fact or fiction.

So, the question itself is a silly one. A much better question would be: "Does the Bible contain truth?"; and the answer to that question is a resounding "Yes!!". For instance, the parable of the Good Samaritan doesn't really have any facts in it, but it does contain the truth. Laws like the Ten Commandments and the pearls of wisdom found in Proverbs have no facts, but they are the truth. The Psalms are filled with praise and thanksgiving; not facts, but truth. Even some of the narratives in the Bible have no facts to back them up, but they are still the truth. I mean, the Christmas story talks about a virgin birth. There's no fact in nature that supports it, but it is the truth.

As we enter the season of Epiphany, we enter a time when the truth is revealed to us. Not facts or fiction, but the truth. On Christmas the angel declared, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord". Is it a fact? Yes, but we have nothing to verify it. Is it fiction? Some believe it is, I don't. Is it the truth? You bet it is. During Epiphany we are called to believe this truth that is revealed to us; and to share this truth with others, so they might believe it as well.

"The Bible: Fact or Fiction?". The answer is both and neither. "The Bible: The Truth?". The answer is yes!


As the old year closes and the dawn of 2004 comes upon us, I like to take time and reflect on some of the wonderful memories of the past year. In this newsletter, I'd like to thank some of the people who made the year so wonderful.


My thanks to:

Rhonda Jensen (& Mary Lou for Filling In) - My church secretary, who always manages to keep the office running smoothly.

The Church Council - For all their dedication and hard work in running the affairs of the church, and for all the support they have shown me. A special thanks to Craig Clemons, president of the church, for his diligence and co-operation.

Peggy Doonan (& Kelli) - Whose talent and dedication is always a back bone of our Sunday Worship.

And a special thanks to all of you at Bethlehem, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm sure I have missed someone in my listing of thanks, and for that I apologize. You are all such an important part of our church, and you are all special, and I thank you for your presence and support.

I look forward to a great year in 2013. I hope we can share as much in the new year as we did in 2012. God bless you and grant you many gifts next year.

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Ron.


I would like to thank everyone for the many cards and gifts I received for Christmas. Your love and generosity means a lot to me. Love, thanks, and have a wonderful year in 2013.