Bethlehem Lutheran Church 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

President Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Pastor Ron Rasmussen led the congregation in devotions.

Gail Peterson read the minutes of the 2010 annual meeting. Motion to approve by Ron Doonan, 2nd by Mary Lou Andersen, motion carried.

Lori Rold gave the Treasurer’s Report. Lori reported that we had to use funds from the fire fund for account transfers to cover expenses. Motion to approve by Wayne Petersen, 2nd by Keith Campbell, motion carried.

Keith Campbell and Craig Clemons reviewed and approved the records of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary.

Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretaries Report. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor noted that we have received a new call to LCMC, we are leaving behind memories and have excitement of moving on and starting something new. We are now members of LCMC and join our surrounding communities in which we need to make a joint effort with those communities to begin our missions. He continued to stress the importance of inviting our in-active members to join our "New Church". Motion to approve by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.

Paul Stewart gave the President's Report: Paul stated now that we are members of LCMC that we need to move forward and make our future the best we possibly can. He would like to see every member invite someone to church this year and just because our membership size is small doesn't mean that we can't be a "growing" church. Paul thanked everyone who has been a vital part of our church in the past 3 years he was president.

Nominations and Election Results:

· Sunday School Superintendent: This will remain the same as last year and we did not elect for this position, if this needs to be addressed in the future, council will discuss.

· President: Leroy Larsen and Craig Clemons volunteered their names for nomination. Harold Pieper made motion for nominations to cease, 2nd by Otto Andersen. Congregation voted by paper ballot and the motion carried for Craig Clemons to the the new BLC Council President.

· Secretary: Mary Petersen volunteered her name for nomination. Peggy Doonan made a motion for nominations to cease, 2nd by Ron Doonan. Congregation voted and the motion carried for Mary Petersen to be the new BLC Council Secretary.

· Financial Secretary: Rhonda Jensen nominated to re-elect Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Diane Stewart. Congregation voted and Mary Lou will continue as BLC Council Financial Secretary for 1 more year.

· Treasurer: Leroy Larsen, Peggy Doonan, Diane Stewart and Rod Owens were nominated and all declined nominations. Mary Lou Andersen nominated Connie Behrens, and Mary Petersen nominated Kelly Doonan. Congregation voted and the motion carried for Connie Behrens to be the new BLC Council Treasurer.

· Trustees: Parsonage: Paul Stewart nominated Rod Owens, Otto Andersen made the motion for nominations to cease. Congregation voted and the motion carried for Rod Owens to be the new BLC Parsonage Trustee. Wayne Petersen will continue his service as BLC Grounds Trustee and Jason Petersen will continue his service as BLC Church Trustee.

· Deacons: Kay Rold and David Christensen will continue to serve. Rodney Roenfeld volunteered his name for nomination, Ron Doonan made motion for nominations to cease, 2nd by Rhonda Jensen. Congregation voted and the motion carried for Rodney Roenfeld to be our deacon.

· Auditor: Kelly Doonan volunteered her name for nomination. David Christensen nominated Keith Andersen. Congregation voted and Keith Andersen and Kelly Doonan ( will replace Craig Clemons who has served 1 year due to being nominated our new President) will be our new BLC Auditors.

· Delegates to LCMC will be discussed at a later date.

· Delegates to Salem Home Annual Meeting: Diane Stewart, Leroy & Phyllis Larsen, Harold & Alice Pieper.

· Volunteer Positions as Funeral Assistants: Howard Henriksen, Harold Pieper, Ronald Petersen and Ron Doonan.

Budget: Lori Rold presented the council’s 2011 proposed budget. Lori reported that council had discussed and proposed to not increase Pastor's salary for 2011. Paul informed the congregation that BLC has been named a beneficiary of the June Scott Endowment and we should receive those funds in 2011. David Christensen made motion to approve the 2011 budget, 2nd by Kay Rold. Paul Stewart asked for vote on accepting the 2011 budget-congregation voted and the motion carried.

Old Business:

· No old business was discussed.

New Business:

· Diane Stewart gave an informational view on Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and about how their "Choice Dollars" program will work for BLC congregational members who purchase their products and how it can benefit BLC.

· Advocates for Thrivent Financial are Rhonda Jensen, Virginia Johnson and Paul Stewart.

· Craig Clemons, as incoming President, asked congregational members for suggestions regarding the June Scott Endowment funds we will receive. Many congregational members would like to see the funds invested and to possibly purchase product from Thrivent Financial. Craig also called for a short meeting for all new incoming council members after church.

· The water leak in the basement has been looked at and fixed by Layne Hansen.

· BLC congregational members will be collecting food to give to the family who lost everything in a fire. All goods can be left at the church in the fellowship area. Ron Petersen has volunteered to deliver what is collected.

· Motion to adjourn by Ron Doonan, 2nd by Wayne Petersen, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer and Table Grace.

Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, BLC Council Secretary.