Council members present: Paul Stewart, Mary Lou Andersen, Kay Rold, Gail Peterson, Carl Petersen. Harold Pieper, Jason Petersen, David Christensen, Steve Mikkelsen & Pastor Ron.
Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.
Gail read the minutes of the 8/12/09 meeting. Motion to approve by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Jason Petersen, motion carried.
Pastor led devotions.
Paul Stewart gave the Treasurer’s report in Lori’s absence. Motion to approve by David Christensen, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.·
Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Carl Petersen, motion carried.Pastor’s Report included:
Youth Work: Retreat was held August 14-16th at Little Sioux Ranch with Kevin & Deb Rutherford, Steve & Karla Mikkelsen & Connie Andersen as hosts for the weekend. A fun time was had by everyone; this may possibly be done again in the spring or fall of next year too.·
Pastor will be on vacation Oct. 2nd-5th, we will try to have a visiting pastor in his absence.·
Confirmation orientation will be September 23rd at St. Paul’s at 7:30 pm.Announcements:
Pastor will be attending a Lutheran Core meeting Sept. 24th – 26th in Indianapolis.·
Pastor will be holding adult forums, the first one will be held Sept 27 at 9:30 a.m. after worship service. All members are encouraged to attend to ask any questions you may have regarding our options regarding the ELCA Nationwide Assembly decisions recently.Old Business:
Our joint council meeting with St. Paul’s Church was held after our joint worship service on August 23rd. The following service times were agreed upon by both councils: Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at BLC will be at 7:30 pm and St Paul’s will be at 5:30 & 10:30 pm. There will not be a Christmas Day service. Time of services will "flip-flop" January 1st, 2010; BLC service will be at 11:00 am and St. Paul’s will be at 9:00 am.·
Paul and Layne Hansen are trying to set up a meeting with an inspector to discuss specifics of replacing the light pole in the park.·
A Rally Day was held on September 13th at BLC to discuss the future of our Sunday School Program. Diane Stewart will be teaching the class with 4 students. Anyone that knows of children who may want to attend should contact Pastor.·
Discussion was held on the replacement of the parsonage garage door. The door has been broken and repaired several times. Steve Mikkelsen has priced some doors and will continue to look into this matter and report back to the council. Mary Lou made a motion to replace the door, 2nd by Harold, motion carried.·
Some emergency plumbing issues came up over the Labor Day weekend which has been fixed. Steve Mikkelsen has also made the council aware of some sidewalks that may need to be replaced by the parsonage, this will be done at the BLC annual clean-up day.·
Jason Petersen will be looking into finding someone to replace the gutters on the church with commercial grade gutters. The old ones have been cleaned out and it was noticed that some of them have began to rust out. Jason will report back to the council with any information.New Business:
Advent Worship: Pastor will try to get the youth involved this year, the first service will be Nov. 25th at St. Paul’s with a soup supper before the service, more details to follow.·
Pastor gave us the report on the ELCA Nationwide Assembly. The Churchwide Assembly made a decision to adopt a social statement called "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust". The social statement was approved by the required 2/3 vote, which is now that social and teaching document by the ELCA.·
Discussions and decisions regarding the ELCA will have to be made as a congregation. Pastor will be holding adult forums to discuss our options as a congregation.·
Paul Stewart made a motion to bring up the consideration to the congregation at the annual meeting whether we will stay or leave the ELCA. The council voted unanimously that this will be discussed at the annual meeting.The council will have their next meeting on October 21st at 7:30 pm.
Motion to adjourn made by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.