Council members present: Lori & Kay Rold, Paul Stewart, Steve Mikkelsen, Pastor Ron Rasmussen, Gail Peterson, Ron Doonan and Mary Lou Andersen.
Pastor led with devotions.
Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.
Gail Peterson read the minutes of the 9/22/10meeting. Motion to approve by Steve Mikkelsen, 2nd by Mary Lou Andersen, motion carried.
Lori Rold gave the treasurer's report. Lori is working on issues with Pastor's pension, she will be working with Diane Stewart on any issues going forward with Pastor's pension. Motion to approve by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Ron Doonan, motion carried.
Mary Lou Andersen gave the financial secretary's report. New offering envelopes have been ordered and will be given out soon. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Kay Rold, motion carried.
Pastor's report included:
LCMC has sent BLC a letter of acceptance, which is posted on the bulletin board for viewing.
Pastor will be sending in his paperwork to complete his status process with LCMC.
Pastor Ron 's pension will be rolled over to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Pastor Ron received a letter from Bishop Last regarding our churches status to leave the ELCA.
Youth work: plans to attend Acquire the Fire are planned for March 4-5 in Des Moines, fund raisers will be held to raise funds for the youth to attend this event along with other possibilities, there will be a Luther League meeting Oct. 24th at 7pm at St. Paul's in Irwin to make plans for the upcoming years events.
Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.
Old Business:
Jason Petersen has contacted Jay Schechinger regarding the work needing done on the pews. Ron Doonan made the motion to go ahead and hire Jay to fix the pews once the council has heard back from Paul Davis Restoration regarding the work. 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.
Jay Schechinger will also be hired to rehang the confirmation pictures, which will be paid for with memorial funds in memory of Mae Petersen.
New Business:
Our Harvest Festival will be on November 14th with a potluck lunch after worship service.
Our Thank Offering will be on Sunday, November 21st.
Motion to adjourn by Ron Doonan, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 17th at 7pm.
The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, BLC Council Secretary