Council members present: Paul Stewart, Steve Mikkelsen, Leroy Larsen, Carl Petersen, Gail Peterson, Harold Pieper, Bob Andersen & Pastor Ron.

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Pastor led devotions.

Minutes of the 9/15/08 meeting were read; Steve Mikkelsen made motion to approve, 2nd by Carl Petersen, motion carried.

Leroy Larsen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by Harold Pieper, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion carried.

Bob Andersen gave Treasurer’s Report. Motion to approve by Carl Petersen,  2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report included:

Youth work-Luther League members from BLC and St. Paul’s will be having meetings the first Sunday of every month.

Next meeting will be November 2nd.November 26th will be the Soup Supper with St. Paul’s at the Irwin Community Building. Further details to come later.

It was discussed that they will use any donations from event to be split for fund raising and charities.

The Luther League would like to sponsor a student from Tanzania for a year.

A ski trip has been planned and more details will be made available at a later date.

Pastor is doing mini-devotions every Monday at 8:20 a.m. on KNOD(105.3 FM). Anyone wishing to sponsor this radio spot is asked to contact Paul Stewart.

This years Advent series will be held with St. Paul’s, Bethany and Immanuel churches. There will be 4 mid-week Wednesday services. November 26th will be at St. Paul’s-Irwin, Dec. 3rd will be at Immanuel-Kimballton, Dec. 10th will be at Bethany-Kimballton and Dec. 17th will be at Bethlehem-Jacksonville. The Luther League members will be doing a skit at our church on Dec. 17th. There will be fellowship after each of the services.

Pastor will be attending The Word Alone conference in Minneapolis Nov. 9-11.


Oct. 26th is Reformation Sunday. Our Bell Choir will be playing for the 1st time since the fire.

All Saints Day is November 2nd, we will have a short memorial service during this service.

Mary Petersen(Andy) has requested to transfer to BLC and their son, Grant, will be baptized soon also. We welcome these 2 new members to Bethlehem.

Old Business:

TC3 is working on the smoke smell and will continue to until it is resolved.

New Business:

· November 16th will be our Thank Offering service and the women of the church will be participating in the service.

· November 23rd is Harvest Fest, there will be a potluck lunch.

· A joint council meeting will be held with St. Paul’s to discuss yearly maintenance issues between both churches.

· Paul has received a letter from Jean’s Storytime requesting sponsorship of the program. We are designating the Nov. 9th and 16th offerings to be used to sponsor this program. Anyone wishing to donate should contact Paul Stewart. Leroy Larsen made the motion to approve,  2nd by Harold Pieper, motion carried.  

· Next Council Meeting will be Nov. 19th at 7:30 p.m. 

· Motion to adjourn made by Harold Pieper, 2nd by Carl Petersen, motion carried.

· The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.

 Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.