Council members present:
Paul Stewart, Steve Mikkelsen, Leroy Larsen, David Christensen, Gail Peterson,
Harold Pieper, & Pastor Ron.
Paul Stewart called the
meeting to order.
· Pastor led devotions.
· Minutes of the 10/22/08
meeting were read; David Christensen made motion to approve, 2nd by
Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.
· Leroy Larsen gave the
Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by Harold Pieper, 2nd by Gail
Peterson, motion carried.
Pastor’s Report included:
· November 26th
will be the Soup Supper with St. Paul’s at the Irwin Community Building.
Offering will be used to help fund schooling for student in Tanzania and the
upcoming Ski Trip.
· Christmas Eve Service
will be Dec. 25 @ 5:30 p.m. There will also be a 10:30 a.m. service at Bethlehem
Lutheran Church.
· In January we will change
our service hours to 9 a.m. worship service, with Sunday School at 10 a.m.
· Pastor said the
conference in Minneapolis was good and that it was fairly well attended.
· Pastor will be gone on
February 8th for service participation in Wisconsin.
· Pastor will be attending
The Word Alone conference in Minneapolis Nov. 9-11.
Old Business:
· TC3 is working on the
smoke smell and will continue to until it is resolved.
· Nov. 23 was the Harvest
Fest and there was lots of great food and fellowship.
New Business:
The month of
December has been designated for the collection for the mitten tree and food
pantry items. Collection boxes will be in the fellowship area. Paul Stewart made
motion to approve, 2nd by Steve, motion approved.
A joint council
meeting will be held on Dec. 3rd at BLC, with St. Paul’s to discuss
yearly maintenance issues between both churches.
Annual Meeting
will be January 18th. Harold Pieper made motion to approve, 2nd
by David Christensen, motion approved. A sandwich lunch will be held after the
We will be
purchasing a projector with St. Paul’s to use for services and vacation bible
school. We will also be purchasing a tri-pod screen on our own. Leroy Larsen
made motion to purchase the screen, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion
Next Council
Meeting will be Dec. 15th at 6:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn
made by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.
The meeting was
adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Peterson, Secretary.