June 20, 2010 - Following Worship Service

Present were Paul Stewart, Steve Mikkelsen, Lori and Kay Rold, Mary Lou Andersen, David Christensen, Ron Doonan and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.

Paul called the meeting to order.

Pastor Ron gave devotions.

Treasures report was given by Lori Rold. A bill for repair on the dryer at the parsonage was presented and discussed. Paul will talk to Bob Andersen about the contract on the Parsonage.

Motion to approve the treasurers report by Steve Mikkelsen, seconded by Ron Doonan.

Financial Secretary’s report was given by Mary Lou Andersen. Offering envelopes are being order from another company. They will be a new size with the church picture and mission statement on them. The size of envelopes we had before are no longer available. Bethlehem Lutheran received word that we will be receiving a share of June Scott Estate. Motion to approve Financial Secretary report by Lori Rold, seconded by David Christensen.

Pastor gave his report: He will be going to learn of another option for our church by attending the NALC Lutheran Core Convocation in Columbus Ohio on August 24-27.

He will be taking two days off this week.

Kimballton has a new pastor and she will arrive in July.

Adult Forum June 13 - When Roger Prois came and spoke to the congregation about staying with the ELCA. We felt that the information or lack there of, was not well received. He did say that leaving or staying we will always be brothers and sisters in Christ.

The next Adult Forum will be July 18th following church services. Please make a point to attend. Pastor will be presenting a 3rd option.

We will vote in August on which way we will decide to go. The second vote will be on Rally Day (second Sunday in September). A representative from the senate will need to be here for this vote. We will vote to either stay with ELCA or leave and join another senate.

VBS went well and we believe we have enough for our mission of the computer.

New Business:

The joint church service is scheduled for August 15 at Bethany. We will find out more once the new pastor has arrived.

Several of the pews need attention. Paul will call Jason and let him know and have him get some information on what to do to correct the problem.

Next meeting will by July 25th at the church.

Motion was made to adjourn by Ron Doonan, seconded by Steve Mikkelsen.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


Lori Rold, Acting Secretary