Council Members Present: Paul Stewart, Bob Andersen, Carl Petersen, Steve Mikkelsen,
        Leroy Larsen, Harold Pieper, Gail Peterson and Pastor Ron.

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Pastor Ron led devotions.

Bob took the council members on a tour to show us how the rebuild is coming along.

Leroy Larsen gave the Financial Secretary's report.

Bob Andersen gave the Treasurer's Report. Motion to approve by Steve Mikkelsen, 2nd by Harold Pieper. Motion carried.

Pastor's Report:
        The Luther League was unable to attend the women's basketball game due to inclement weather. Pastor hopes to reschedule           again next year. The youth will be having Easter Sunrise breakfast at BLC. The Mid-week Lenten Services are “Artisans Crucifixion”. He will be on vacation from March 24th – April 2nd.

Old Business:
        The Rebuilding Committee is making great process. Those members should all be commended on their dedication and time put into the rebuild project.
        Report from the Annual Meeting:
        Further discussion will take place regarding the ELCA constitution, and coming up with a BLC mission statement.
        Discussion was held on monetary donations to the ELCA. Further discussion will be to review how BLC donations will be distributed to missions.
        Synod Delegates: Paul Stewart and possibly members of his family to attend.
        Salem Homes Delegates: attending will be Phyllis and Leroy Larsen, Virginia Johnson, Rhonda Jensen and Marlow Clemons on February 24th at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Harlan.

New Business:
        Bob Andersen made motion to keep the church locked at all times. 2nd by Gail Peterson.
        Bob will make a list of people who will be distributed new keys.
        March 2nd will be the first service at BLC after the rebuild. Open house to be held from 9:30-10:45 with Worship Service/Holy Communion at 11 AM.
        Paul Stewart to check into having open house on the first service back at BLC to be announced on local radio stations.
        Sunday School will resume on April 2nd: 10-11 AM with 11AM worship service.
        Discussion was held and it was decided not to go online at the church.
        Council will later discuss the front window leakage when spring starts.
        Paul Stewart discussed that Pastor Ron was ordained 25 years ago this year. BLC and St. Paul to have a joint service at BLC to celebrate Pastor Ron and to show appreciation to St. Paul's for helping out in our time of need. Potluck dinner to follow service. Bob Andersen made the motion, 2nd by Carl Petersen. Motion approved.

March council meeting will be March 19th at 7 PM at BLC. There will be several topics discussed at this time.

Motion to adjourn by Paul Stewart, 2nd by Leroy Larsen. The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gail Peterson, Secretary