Council members present: Paul Stewart, Carl Petersen, Bob Andersen, Kevin Rutherford Steve Mikkelsen, Leroy Larsen, David Christensen, Gail Peterson, Harold Pieper, & Pastor Ron.
Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.
Pastor led devotions.
Minutes of the 11/23/08 meeting were read; Bob Andersen made motion to approve, 2nd by Kevin Rutherford, motion carried.
Leroy Larsen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by Kevin Rutherford, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.
Bob Andersen gave the Treasurer’s report. Motion to approve by David Christensen, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion carried
Pastor’s Report included:
Pastor has stated that there will be 8 members going on the Ski Trip.
There was a great turnout for the joint soup supper held in Irwin and the offering collected will help fund schooling expenses for a student in Tanzania and part of it will be used for the ski trip.
Pastor will be on vacation from Dec. 25-27th and also February 6-11th.
Wednesday, Dec. 17th, will be the mid-week advent service at 7:00 pm at BLC, the Luther League will be performing a skit.
In January we will change our service hours to 9 a.m. worship service, with Sunday School at 10 a.m.
Christmas Eve services will be held at 5:30 pm & 10:30 pm, both will have the candle light service and communion will be held at the 10:30 pm service only.
Annual Meeting will be January 18, 2009 at 9:00 am. A sandwich lunch will be after the meeting.
Old Business:
TC3 is working on the smoke smell and will continue to until it is resolved.
A joint council meeting was held on Dec 3rd to discuss yearly maintenance issues between both churches.
We have purchased the Projector and screen to be used for service and VBS.
New Business:
The council has reviewed the budget report.
The council would like to make a suggestion to people wishing to designate memorial funds that they designate them to the yearly maintenance of the elevator. Memorial funds will be used as designated by the donor.
Motion to adjourn made by David Christensen, 2nd by Carl Petersen, motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.