Council members present: Lori Rold, Gail Peterson, Paul Stewart, Pastor Ron, Ron Doonan, Mary Lou Andersen.

Pastor led with devotions from John 20: 19-22

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Gail Peterson read the minutes of the 3/17/10 meeting. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Mary Lou Andersen, motion carried.

Lori Rold gave the treasurer's report, motion to approve by Ron Doonan, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion carried.

Mary Lou Andersen gave the financial secretary's report. Our BLC Thrivent CD comes due on May 8th, council approved to renew. Motion to approve by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.

Pastor's report included:

Pastor attended the Word Alone Conference in Minneapolis on April 18-19.

There will be a Lutheran Core Convocation in Columbus, Ohio that pastor will be attending on August 24-27. He will also be attending the Synod Assembly on May 1-2.

Pastor will be on vacation from September 29th-October 10th to take enjoy his 2nd cruise with his mother.


Our first adult forum will be May 2nd after church service. This will be an informative meeting of our options should we vote to leave the ELCA. There will be additional forums, dates will be announced at a later time.

Old Business:

Pastor received a letter from Bishop Last and sent a response to him in return, anyone wishing to receive a copy should see Paul or Pastor Ron.

New Business:

VBS will be June 14-17th , with a kick-off on Sunday evening the 13th.

The council approved for the repairs on the parsonage garage door opener to be repaired.

June 6th we will have a time change in our Sunday services, we will have worship service at 10:30am.

Motion to adjourn by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Ron Doonan, motion carried.

Next meeting will be May 19t at 7 pm.

The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, BLC Council Secretary