Bethlehem Lutheran Church 2009 Annual Meeting Minutes
President Paul Stewart called the meeting to order. Pastor Ron Rasmussen led the congregation in devotions.
Gail Peterson read the minutes of the 2009 annual meeting. Motion to approve by Keith Campbell, 2nd by Mary Lou Andersen, motion carried.
Lori Rold gave the Treasurer’s Report. Motion to approve by Kevin Rutherford, 2nd by Ron Doonan, motion carried.
Keith Campbell gave the Auditors Report: all records of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary are in order.
Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretaries Report. Motion to approve by Craig Clemons, 2nd by Rhoda Henriksen, motion carried.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor noted that attendance is still down and he has visited with inactive members, we still need to be inviting the in-active members back to church services. In his 27 years of ministry this past Christmas Eve service is the 1st one to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Cancellation of services become a financial burden and he hopes that in the upcoming year we may have some special services to help re-collect funds as we need to be replace funds from borrowed accounts. Suspension of ELCA funds and whether to call a special meeting on whether to leave the ELCA will be discussed. Motion to approve by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Otto Andersen, motion carried.
Paul Stewart gave the President’s Report: Paul discussed how we all have our own emotional feelings regarding our present situation with the ELCA. He also reported that our offerings have been down financially, however our memorial funds have increased due to the generosity of lost congregational members. Paul also pointed out that in the last 3 years combined attendance has been steady even though we would like to see an increase. He reported that our matching funds from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be handled differently based on the products that BLC congregational members purchase from them. The member would then need to designate where they want those funds to be directed to. Motion to approve by Steve Mikkelsen, 2nd by Bob Andersen, motion carried.
Nominations and Election Results: · Sunday School Superintendent: Paul stated that even though enrollment has increased we will go forward with not electing this position, if this needs to be addressed in the future, council will discuss this issue. · President: Otto Andersen nominated Paul Stewart for re-election, 2nd by Peggy Doonan, Harold Pieper made motion for nominations to cease, and both motions were carried. · Secretary: Otto Andersen nominated Gail Peterson for re-election, 2nd by Jackie Peterson, motion carried.
Financial Secretary: Gail Peterson nominated to re-elect Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried. · Treasurer: Mary Lou Andersen nominated to re-elect Lori Rold, 2nd by Diane Stewart, motion carried. · Trustees: Parsonage: Steve Mikkelsen, Grounds Trustee: Rhonda nominated Wayne Petersen, 2nd by Mary Lou Andersen, Otto Andersen made motion for nominations to cease, motions carried. Church Trustee: Jason Petersen. · Deacons: Kay Rold and David Christensen will continue to serve. Peggy Doonan nominated Ron Doonan, 2nd by Bob Andersen, Kay Rold made motion for nominations to cease, motions carried. · Auditor: Keith Campbell will continue to serve. Lori Rold nominated Kevin Rutherford- he declined. Craig Clemons nominated David Christensen and Mary Lou Andersen nominated Leroy Larsen. Craig Clemons was elected by paper ballot. · Delegates to Synod Assembly: discussion was tabled for the time being. · Delegates to Salem Home Annual Meeting: Diane Stewart, Leroy & Phyllis Larsen, Harold & Alice Pieper. · Volunteer Positions as Funeral Assistants: Howard Henriksen, Harold Pieper and Keith Campbell.Budget: Lori Rold presented the council’s 2010 proposed budget. There was a correction to the 2010 proposed budget for the telephone line; this line should read $250, not the $2,500 as noted. Craig Clemons asked about the 50/50 split with St. Paul’s Lutheran-everything will remained split with St. Paul’s Lutheran as decided at by both councils at their fall joint meeting. Kevin Rutherford made motion to amend the proposed budget to strike the Western Iowa Synod funds and replace with the words "missions" based on a future decision, 2nd by Kay Rold, motion carried. Craig made motion to approve amended budget, 2nd by Bob Andersen, motion carried.
Old Business:
Resolution of Suspension of Benevolence Funds ($2000 has been suspended) Diane Stewart suggested that the VBS program be considered for funds for upcoming years. David Christensen suggested helping with the current crisis in Haiti. Lori Rold suggested we support our local missions. Pastor made motion for the resolution of 2009 funds; Craig Clemons made an amendment to the motion as follows: $1000 to Lutheran World Relief, $500 to Institute of Lutheran Theology and $500 to local missions, 2nd by Kevin Rutherford. Bob Andersen asked if we needed to designate our local missions. Kevin Rutherford called for a vote on the amended resolution of suspended funds, 2nd by Jason Petersen, motion carried. · Radio Announcements and the website are in place and we hope to share the Lenten and Advent series with our church partners.
New Business:
Kevin Rutherford made a motion that any church member who would like a key to the church be given one at the member’s expense, motion carried. Craig Clemons made a motion to amend Kevin’s motion that we have a registry, to be responsible for by the church secretary, of all members that have a key, motion was carried to have the registry. · Kevin Rutherford wanted to discuss the funds from the Fire Fund. Craig Clemons made motion to move the funds out of the Fire Fund, 2nd by Kevin Rutherford. Motion was defeated, funds will stay in the Fire Fund. · Resolution to ELCA membership: vote was taken to call a special meeting, it was voted unanimously (37 votes) to call a special meeting to discuss our ELCA membership. · Motion to adjourn by Craig Clemons, 2nd by Howard Henriksen, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer and Table Grace.Special Council Meeting Minutes 1/24/10: members present Paul Stewart, Ron Doonan, Gail Peterson, Mary Lou Andersen, Harold Pieper, Steve Mikkelsen, Pastor Ron, Lori & Kay Rold.
Discussion was held by council members and we will have our Special Meeting regarding the Resolution to ELCA membership, meeting will be held March 7th after the 11 a.m. service.
Next council meeting will be Feb 17th at 6 p.m. which is Ash Wednesday.
Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, BLC Council Secretary.