Council members present: Steve Mikkelsen, Jason Petersen, Mary Lou Andersen, Lori Rold, Paul Stewart, Gail Peterson, David Christensen & Pastor Ron.

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Pastor opened with devotions from John 8:31-36.

·Gail read the minutes of the 10/21/09 meeting. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.

· Lori Rold gave the Treasurer’s report. Motion to approve by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion carried.

· Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by David Christensen, 2nd by Jason Petersen, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report included:

· The next Adult Forum will be held Dec. 6th at 5:30 pm at BLC with St. Paul’s church. A supper follow with St. Paul’s and guest speakers. This meeting will be for the congregational members for discussion rather than the informative forums from Pastor previously.

· Youth Work: The Luther Leagues will be having their Soup Supper on Nov. 25th from 5-7 pm at the Irwin Comm. Bldg., there will be a free will offering which will go towards the Tanzania mission and the Acquire the Fire event.

· The Luther League will have practice on Dec. 6th for their service on Dec. 9th at BLC.

· Pastor attended the Word Alone Conference on Nov. 15th-17th.

· Pastor reported that there have been some church developments that have taken place since the last adult forum; there will be more options for BLC to consider and discuss.


· Pastor will be on vacation Dec. 25th-Jan. 1st, 2010. We will have a visiting pastor in his absence.

· The council is asking for volunteers on Dec. 6th to decorate for Christmas. We will meet after church that day and set everything up, the more people we have the easier it will be and should not take a lot of time to do.

Old Business:

· A suspension of ELCA benevolence letter signed by the council will be sent to the Western Iowa Synod.

· The utility/light pole has been replaced. Layne Hansen will be continuing to work on this project until completion.

· Jason Petersen reported on the rain gutters. He is still receiving information and price quotes from sources and will report back to the council further findings.

New Business:

· Steve and Judy Ahrenholtz have requested to transfer their membership to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Harlan. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Mary Lou, motion approved.

· Advent offering will go to the BLC general fund or may be re-directed to local charities.

· Members from the BLC council will meet with the St. Paul’s council member for their budget meeting for the upcoming year. Paul will set up time with Mike Fara.

The council will have their next meeting on Dec. 17th at 7:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.