Council members present: Lori Rold, Gail Peterson, David Christensen, Paul Stewart, Ron Doonan, Pastor Ron, Jana Mikkelsen(for Steve) & Kay Rold.
Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.
Gail Peterson read the minutes of the 2/17/10 meeting. Motion to approve by Ron Doonan, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.
Paul Stewart read correspondence from SCCO & Lutheran World Relief for our designated mission funds that were sent. Paul also brought up the notice of the F.M.C.T.C. Annual Meeting letter that was received.
Lori Rold gave the treasurer's report, motion to approve by Gail Peterson, 2nd by David Christensen, motion carried.
Paul stated that we would fore go the financial secretary's report due to Mary Lou Andersen's illness and hospitalization.
Pastor's report included:
The Acquire the Fire event provided great music, drama skits and inspirational speakers. He would like to have both churches youth consider on going to this event yearly.
Mid-week Lent Services have gone very well, and have been well attended despite the weather.
Pastor will be attending the Word Alone Conference on April 18th & 19th, this will be part of Pastor's continuing ed.
Easter Sunday is April 4th, we will have communion at this service. Sunrise service will be at St. Paul's at 7a.m., with a 10a.m. Service at BLC.
Our next special congregational meeting will be held in June, the date will be announced at a later date. This will be a follow up meeting that is to be 90 days after our March 7th special congregational meeting regarding our resolution on ELCA membership.
Old Business:
Voting results and a letter from the special congregational meeting were sent to the Bishop and the church wide office.
Suspended Funds have been distributed to SCCO and Lutheran World Relief, Lori will be sending funds to Lutheran Theology also.
The water heater issue has been turned into the insurance agent and been taken care of.
New Business:
Ron Doonan made a motion that any member(s) wanting to use the projector owned by St. Paul's & BLC may do so by giving a small donation to both churches. Motion was 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.
Pastor will be holding more adult forums to discuss Lutheran Core/LCMC and consulting with the Bishop of our intentions/options going forward at BLC.
Motion to adjourn by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Kay Rold, motion carried.
Next meeting will be April 21st at 7 pm.
The meeting was adjourned with devotions from Pastor and the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, BLC Council Secretary