Council members present: Paul Stewart, Carl Petersen, Mary Lou Andersen, Lori Rold, David Christensen, Jason Petersen, Steve Mikkelsen, Gail Peterson, Harold Pieper, & Pastor Ron.

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Gail read the minutes of the 5/20/09 meeting. Motion to approve by Mary Lou Andersen, 2nd by Jason Petersen, motion carried.

Pastor led devotions.

· Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.

· Lori Rold gave the Treasurer’s report. Motion to approve by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Carl Petersen, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report included:

· Pastor is working on getting more information on the Little Sioux Ranch retreat.

· Pastor is teaching the council more about Lutheran Core and that they have many goals. Their first goal is to make sure the authority of scripture is upheld and that we believe the bible is our authority.

· Pastor is planning to attend a Lutheran Core meeting Sept. 24th – 26th in Indianapolis.

· Motion to approve Pastor’s report by Harold Pieper, 2nd by David Christensen, motion carried.


· Pastor Tony Ede’s last Sunday at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Kimballton will be June 28th. Pastor Tony and his family will be moving to Webster City. He will be missed by all.

Old Business:

· We will be having a joint service with our Lent partners in August, date to be determined yet. BLC will be hosting in our own beautiful park with a potluck lunch to follow.

· Paul has contacted Paul Davis Restoration to come out and check on the smoke smell, they will continue to work with us as we are having issues with the weather changes.

New Business:

· A joint council meeting will be held with St. Paul’s Church sometime in July. Paul with have further details at a later date.

· Layne Hansen and Paul met with Mid-America Energy about replacing the light pole in the park. They suggested we have a meeting with an inspector to make sure everything is done correctly and up to code. A special council meeting may be needed to make some decisions after this meeting.

· The council will not be having a meeting in July; next meeting will be Aug. 17th at 7:30 pm.

· Motion to adjourn made by David Christensen, 2nd by Harold Pieper, motion carried.

· The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.

 Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.