Council members present: Paul Stewart, Mary Lou Andersen, Lori & Kay Rold, Gail Peterson, David Christensen and Pastor Ron.
Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.
Pastor led in devotions from Exodus 20:8, Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
Paul made a motion to fore-go the reading of the 1/17/10 Annual Meeting minutes, motion carried.
Lori Rold gave the treasurer's report. Motion to approve by Pastor, 2nd by David Christensen, motion carried.
Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretary's report. The June and Paul Scott endowment funds were not received in 2009 due to the economy, the council anticipates that we will received the funds for the 2010 year. Motion to approve by Pastor, 2nd by David Christensen, motion carried.
Pastor's report included:
The Acquire the Fire event will be held Feb. 26 & 27th for the youth members.
Mid week Lent Services will start 2/17 at BLC.
March 7th will be our Special Meeting to consider whether BLC should terminate it's relationship with the ELCA. The meeting will be held after the 11 a.m. Service.
The Salem Annual Meeting will be held Feb. 28th at the Elk Horn Lutheran Church.
Old Business:
Resolution for Special Meeting: voters will have to register for casting a vote, this will need to pass by 2/3 of members votes.
Insurance paperwork has been turned in to the insurance company for the water heater.
Suspension of funds have been designated as follows: $1000 has been sent to help with the crisis in Haiti, $500 to Lutheran Theology, $250 to BLC Vacation Bible School, $125 to Shelby County Community Outreach and $125 to Audubon Food Pantry.
Motion to adjourn by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Kay Rold, motion carried.
Next meeting will be March 17th at 6 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Peterson
BLC Council Secretary