President Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.  Pastor Ron led the congregation in devotions.  Minutes of the 2008 annual meeting minutes were read by Gail Peterson. Kevin Rutherford made the motion to accept the minutes, 2nd by Connie Andersen, motion carried.

Bob Andersen gave the Treasurer’s report.  Motion to approve by Howard Henricksen, 2nd by David Christensen, motion carried.

Keith Campbell gave the Auditors Report: all records of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary are in order. 

Leroy Larsen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Leroy reported that BLC has received for 2008 $624.50 from the Paul & June Scoot Endowment Fund, which we will receive yearly.  Motion to approve by Steve Mikkelsen, 2nd by Mary Lou Andersen, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor thanked the congregation for their support through the year with his surgery and the celebration of his ordination.  This has been the year of recovery; he also expressed his concern with the decline in attendance.  This year he will be reaching out to the in-active members and he asks for the congregations help in bring members back to “our” church.  Pastor will be continuing to deliver his commercials on KNOD every Monday morning at 8:20 a.m.; he is also continuing the website for St. Paul’s and BLC.

Paul Stewart gave the Presidents report.  He thanked the congregation for their support and givingness and the council for their service this year.

Nominations and Election Results: 

Sunday School Superintendent:  Gail Peterson made motion to not re-elect this position until needed due to the decline in enrollment for Sunday School.  2nd by Kevin Rutherford.  If attendance picks up the council members will revisit at that time.  Motion carried.

President: Rhonda Jensen nominated to re-elect Paul Stewart, 2nd by Adrienne Petersen.  Motion carried.

Secretary: ???????? nominated to re-elect Gail Peterson, 2nd by Diane Stewart.  Motion carried.

Financial Secretary: Mary Lou Andersen volunteered; Kevin Rutherford made motion to approve, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen.  Motion carried.

Treasurer:  David Christensen nominated Toni Andersen, Bob Andersen declined for Toni.  Mary Lou Andersen nominated Lori Rold, 2nd by Kristin Rutherford, Ronnie Petersen made motion nominations cease.  Motions carried. Bob Andersen has offered to see through the insurance funds with Lori.  

Trustee:  Steve Mikklesen volunteered to continue to serve as Parsonage Trustee. Carl Petersen will continue to serve as Grounds Trustee.  Kevin Rutherford nominated Ronnie Petersen for church trustee; Ronnie declined nomination. Kevin Rutherford nominated Jason Petersen or David Christensen.  Jason Petersen was elected Church Trustee by paper ballot.

Deacons:  Ron Doonan and David Christensen will continue to serve.  Rhonda Jensen nominated Kay Rold, Mary Lou Andersen nominated Keith Campbell. Kay Rold was elected by paper ballot.

Auditors: Keith Campbell and Steve Petersen volunteered to continue to serve.

Delegates to Synod Assembly:  if anyone is interested, contact Paul or Pastor Ron.  Paul will get dates from Pastor. 

Delegates to Salem Home Annual Meeting: Ronnie & Adrienne Petersen, Alice Pieper, Paul & Diane Stewart.

Volunteer Positions as Funeral Assistants: Keith Campbell, Howard Henricksen and Harold Pieper.


Budget:  Bob Andersen presented council’s 2009 proposed budget.  David Christensen made motion to accept the budget as presented, 2nd by Keith Campbell. Bob discussed the increases and decreases, called for vote. Motion carried.


Old Business: Adrienne Petersen brought up getting a piano for the basement; Kevin Rutherford informed us there will be a replacement.  The confirmation pictures still need to be mounted. 


New Business:

Persons who would like to volunteer/sponsor Pastors radio commercials should contact him.

Mission Statement:  Diane Stewart made motion to accept into constitution, 2nd by Adrienne Petersen. Motion carried

Paul is in the process of updating membership records and has asked the help from the congregation and council to improve our attendance and to invite all to attend Sunday Service with us. 

Motion to adjourn made by ?????????, 2nd by Howard Henricksen. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer and Table Grace.

 Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.