“Is it I, Lord?” This is the question each disciple asked Jesus at the Last Supper, when Jesus predicted, “One of you will betray me.” It is an interesting question for them to ask. It shows that each one of them was capable, in a moment of weakness, of betraying their Lord and Savior. In deed, one of them (Judas) did betray Jesus; while another one (Peter) denied Jesus three times. It shows that though they were disciples who loved and believed in Jesus, they were still sinners who could fall to temptation.
“Is it I, Lord?” It is a question we should ask of ourselves. For we are just as capable of betraying Jesus as Judas was, and we are just as capable of denying Jesus as Peter was. That doesn’t mean we are bad Christians, or we don’t believe in Jesus. It means we are sinners who need the forgiveness Jesus gave on the cross. For it is the sin of Judas and Peter, and all of our sins, that made the cross necessary. As the third verse of the hymn “Ah, Holy Jesus” says, “Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied thee; I crucified thee.”
Our mid-week Lent series is called “The Denier and the Betrayer”. Through our mid-week services we will examine the lives of Judas and Peter and their relationship with Jesus. The schedule for our services:
Ash Wednesday - February 25 Wednesday, April 1
Service of Ashes / Holy Communion Judas - “Palm Sunday Disappointment”
Immanuel, Kimballton St. Paul, Irwin
Wednesday, March 4 Maundy Thursday, April 9
Peter & Judas - “The Call of Disciples” Judas - “The Betrayal”
St. Paul, Irwin Bethlehem, Jacksonville
Wednesday, March 11 Good Friday, April 10
Peter - “Who Do You Say that I Am?” Peter - “The Denial”
Bethany, Rural Kimballton Bethany, Rural Kimballton
Wednesday, March 18 Easter Sunday, April 12
Judas - “Why was the Ointment Wasted?” Peter - “Forgiven”
Bethlehem, Jacksonville Bethlehem & St. Paul
Wednesday, March 25
Peter - “In the Garden of Gethsemane”
Immanuel, Kimballton
The services are at 7:30 pm. (There is a soup supper before the mid-week services, except for Ash Wednesday.) Hope to see you there!
Your friend in Christ,
Pastor Ron.