Mary Magdalene and John the Son of Zebedee; two people who were close to Jesus, who accompanied Jesus on His journey to the Cross. Magdalene, which means "Tower" and John, called a "Son of Thunder"; a woman and a man, both who were at the Last Supper, at the Cross, and at the empty tomb. Mary and John, who felt Jesus' forgiveness and love, who witnessed Jesus' miracles and Jesus' compassion, and who became apostles proclaiming the good news to the world.

This year, during our mid-week Lent Series, we will hear from Mary Magdalene and John the Son of Thunder, in a series of dramatic monologues. The schedule is as follows:

March 9 - Ash Wednesday

The Call of Mary Magdalene and John

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Kimballton

March 16: "John - Miracles"

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Jacksonville

March 23: "Mary - Healings"

Bethany Lutheran Church in Kimballton

March 30: "John - Who is the Greatest?"

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Irwin

April 6: "Mary and a Forgiving Savior"

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Kimballton

April 13: "Arrest and Trial"

Bethany Lutheran Church in Kimballton


"The Woman at the Last Supper"

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Jacksonville

April 22 - GOOD FRIDAY

"Behold Your Mother"

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Irwin

The series begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9, with Holy Communion and a service of ashes. We will be using the "Holden Evening Prayer" services. Worship begins at 7:30 pm. (Soup Supper and fellowship from 6:00 - 7:00 pm)

Pastor Ron