St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 5-6-2009
Those present were Mike Fara, John Villegas, Cy Monson, Jeanine Barry, Pam Borkowski, Dale Feser and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.
Devotions: Pastor said devotions on Mother’s Day, that mothers are the meaning behind “The Lord’s Prayer”. Mothers Day is a special day.
Secretaries Report: Pam read the minutes of the April meeting, John made the motion to approve as read with date change, seconded by Cy, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurers report was read with $675.32 surplus.
Lenten services proceeds go to the Sunday School of around $850.00.
Reimburse Pastor for expenses for the Synod Assembly- Cy made the motion to approve this reimbursement and it was seconded by John, which was approved.
We received $155.00 for Thelma Petersen’s memorial money which will go to the Trust fund.
Discussion was held on the KNOD radio time- anyone wanting to pay for a month, possibly put this in the bulletin.
Motion was made by Pam and seconded by Jeanine to approve the report, motion carried unanimously.
Pastor’s Report:
Pizza sales – we made 90, and grossed $300.00 to go to Vacation bible school.
Youth service will be Mothers Day- May 10th- each Luther league will do their own church.
Youth group is planning a Retreat this summer- maybe August 15th weekend.
Pastors vacation – he will leave May 7th and will be back 15th. He will miss that Sunday, but the Luther League has that covered.
Pastor mentioned he will be gone October 2-6th for his God-Childs wedding on October 4th.
Saturday worship services, Pastor wanted to start in May, but with too many things going on, they will start in June, the 1st and 3rd Saturdays starting at 6:00.
Sunday worship service will start at 10:30 also starting June 1st. Pam made the motion to approve these changes, and it was seconded by Jeanine, motion carried unanimously.
Lutheran Core- Pastor read his letter of human sexuality ruling that was passed by Iowa Supreme Court. Lutheran Core is a coalition of individuals, congregations and reform movements in the ELCA. The “core” of what Lutherans believe. He explained what this is and will follow up with other informative sessions in the future and research the idea of becoming members of the Lutheran Core.
Pastor reported how the assembly went.
Confirmation is May 24th and recognition for graduating senior Caitlyn Axland.
Joint council meeting is scheduled for July 29, 2009.
Old Business:
Directory- council went over directory rooster list and made editions.
New Business:
Discussion was held on the possible purchase of a video camcorder for the church, which will be purchased through trust fund or memorial money. Pastor will look into this purchase with accessories and will be used for multiple church functions.
The next meeting will be June 3rd at 8:00.
Mike motioned to adjourn and John seconded. Motion carried.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski