Council members present: Paul Stewart, Mary Lou Andersen, Lori Rold, Kay Rold, David Christensen, Jason Petersen, Gail Peterson, Harold Pieper, & Pastor Ron.

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Paul read the minutes of the 4/22/09 meeting. Motion to approve by Lori Rold, 2nd by Jason Petersen, motion carried.

Pastor led devotions.

Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Motion to approve by David Christensen, 2nd by Kay Rold, motion carried.

Lori Rold gave the Treasurer’s report. Motion to approve by Jason Petersen, 2nd by Harold Pieper, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report included:

Pastor stated the Mothers Day worship service given by the youth went well.

The money from the pizza sales will go to help the Vacation Bible School program.

Pastor is working on possibly having a youth weekend retreat at Little Sioux Ranch in August. More details will follow at a later date.

Pastor informed the council of the Lutheran Corp, which is acknowledged as a part of the ELCA. He proposed that the council learn more about Lutheran Corp, issues and where BLC stands on these issues.

Lori Rold made motion to approve Pastor’s report, 2nd by Harold Pieper, motion carried.


Old Business:

Pastor has been having technical issues with the website, he hopes the problem will be solved soon and the website will be up & running for all to enjoy.

Pastor has signed up to be a congregational observer at the Nationwide Assembly on August 17-23rd.

Layne Hansen is working on getting all the details needed for the replacement of the utility pole in the park.

New Business:

FMCTC has requested to use the fellowship hall for their Annual Customer Appreciation Dinner Meeting on June 4th from 4-7 pm. David made the motion to approve, 2nd by Mary Lou, motion carried.

We will be having a joint service with the Kimballton churches in August; further details will follow at a later date.

Next meeting will be June 17th at 7:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Gail Peterson, 2nd by Kay Rold, motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.

 Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.