Council members present: Paul Stewart, Carl Petersen, Mary Lou Andersen, Lori Rold, Steve Mikkelsen, Jason Petersen, Gail Peterson, Harold Pieper, & Pastor Ron.

Paul Stewart called the meeting to order.

Pastor led devotions.

Minutes of the February 19th meeting were read; Harold Pieper made motion to approve, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.

Lori Rold gave the Treasurer’s report. Jason Petersen made motion to approve, 2nd by Steve Mikkelsen, motion carried.

Mary Lou Andersen gave the Financial Secretary’s report. Council members discussed and voted to continue to report membership offerings quarterly for the newsletter. Gail Peterson made motion to approve, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report included:

Youth work will be their pizza sale. They will be making the pizzas Saturday, April 25 at 9a.m. at St. Paul’s.

The youth will be having the Mother’s Day Worship on May 10th.

Pastor will be on vacation May 7-15th and October 1-6.

Pastor said the mid-week Lenten services were well attended, and the bible studies have also been successful.

Lori Rold made motion to approve Pastor’s report, 2nd by Harold Pieper, motion carried.


May 3rd will be the Senior Graduation Reception for Caitlin Andersen; daughter of Bob & Toni Andersen and Ryne Nelson, son of Mark & Donna Nelson.

Old Business:

Western Iowa Synod Assembly will be held May 1st-3rd. Pastor will be attending and Craig Clemons has volunteered to be a voting member for BLC.

ELCA Nationwide Assembly will be held August 17th-23rd. A congregational observer is invited to attend from BLC along with pastor.

Paul has spoken with Mid American Energy about replacement of the utility pole in the park. He was informed that we need to have an electrician to do the work after the pole is in place. Paul has spoken with Layne Hansen to work on getting this replaced.

Carl Petersen made a motion to purchase 2 more tables for use at funerals with memorial funds, 2nd by Lori Rold, motion carried.

Council members approved to pay BLCW for their content replacements from the fire.

New Business:

Discussion was held on purchasing Holy Communion Cards to give to visitors who take communion at BLC for reporting to the visitor’s church. Rhonda will order and anyone wishing to sponsor this should contact Paul or Pastor Ron.

Pastor will be having internet access installed in the church office for him to maintain website information.

Next meeting will be May 20th at 7:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Carl Petersen, 2nd by Gail Peterson, motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer.

 Respectfully submitted, Gail Peterson, Secretary.