St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting 2-4-2009
Those present were Mike Fara, Sara Bornhoft, John Villegas, Cy
Monson, Jason Monson, Pam Borkowski, Dale Feser, Linda Tietsort, Jeanine Barry,
Orrin Bruhn and Pastor Ron Rasmussen.
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
For devotions Pastor Ron expressed that we are soldiers of the cross.
Secretaries Report: Jason read the January
minutes. It was motioned by John
and 2nd by Linda to approve the minutes.
Election of
President: Pam nominated Mike for
President, Cy seconded it. Linda motioned to cease nominations, and the vote
carried unanimously.
Vice President: Cy nominated John,
with Jeanine giving a second, Pam nominated Cy, and Orrin seconded it. We had an
election by ballot and John was elected to Vice President.
Secretary: Pam nominated Sarah,
which died for lack of second. Jeanine nominated Pam and Cy seconded Jeanine’s
nomination. John ceased nominations with a second from Cy. Pam was elected by
unanimous vote.
Designation of Trustees and Deacons:
Report: Dale read the treasurer’s report for January. It was
noted that the insurance for the year, was due and paid from this month of
$2550.00 and there was a receipt turned in from a refrigerator paid for in 2005,
which the trust fund purchased, but it should have been the church fund, so that
was reimbursed. Miscellaneous Income was a patronage dividend from FMCTC of
$526.00. Cy motioned to approve the
report and Orrin seconded it.
Pastor’s Report:
Lenten Services, Pastor informed us of his plans
with Pastor Tony. March 4th and April 1st are the 2
services at our church. Discussion was held later for details about the meal.
Adult bible study will start February 15th
at 6:00.
Lenten breakfast is going to held at Methodist
this year.
Old Business:
On the Directory, Pastor met with Orrin Mills and
April 6th and 7th, from 3:00 pm to
9:30 pm on those 2 days they will be there to take pictures. Dorothy and
Dee are supervising it from our church. The directory will be online for
viewing. This director is at no cost to us, but you can purchase pictures from
them at your individual expense.
Our goal is to get the most complete of a directory as possible. Dorothy and Dee
will schedule appointments, and hand out information at a later date.
Western Iowa Synod Assembly, will be held on May
1st, 2nd and 3rd, at the Sioux City Convention
Center, with Dorothy Jensen and Barb Brundige volunteering to be delegates.
Inactive and new members are going to be a
priority this year, to get the existing members more involved and campaigning
new members
Discussion was held on Nancy Walters and Heather
Davis, about joining as members.
A list of official members was reviewed and
several of the deacons were staying after the council meeting to review this
Salem delegates are Gene Monson and Norman Scott,
but we need 4 more. This will be held at the Bethlehem church February 22nd.
Mike is going to check with Sheryl about the old
bulletins and what to do with them.
New Business:
2 bulbs were out in the church, so those were
going to be replaced.
Installation of new members is going to be
February 22nd and photo will be taken.
Discussion was held on Nancy Jensen requesting to
play the organ only 2 Sundays a month rather than 3. Mike was going to talk with
Julie McKeever about this to see if she would be willing to play once a month.
Mike got 750 pounds of sand from the City of
Irwin for the sidewalks and was going to talk to LeAnne Leinen or Larry Kington
about who to pay for this.
Further discussion was held on the March 4th
Lenten service and what to serve at the supper.
Soups would be Chili, Chicken Noodle, Ham and Bean and possibly Diane
Plumb would bring her soup, with open face sandwiches. Mike and John were going
to come up with a sign up sheet to place at the church for donations of foods.
Serving will be from 6-7 and service at 7:30 pm.
The next meeting will be March 4th at 5:00, before the
supper at 6:00.
John motioned to adjourn and Cy seconded.
Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Borkowski